Lüth: AfD parliamentary group board dismisses previous spokesperson without notice


reThe board of the parliamentary group AfD has resigned without prior notice to its former spokesman Christian Lüth. The group’s leader, Alexander Gauland, announced the decision at the parliamentary group’s meeting, a spokesman for the German press agency in Berlin said on Monday. The background was statements about migrants in a television documentary Lüth is said to have made according to previously unconfirmed reports.

According to the report, Lüth is said to have talked about the possibility of shooting or gassing the migrants. In a meeting secretly filmed by ProSieben with right-wing publicist Lisa Licentia, the AfD man said, according to the news portal “Zeit Online”, that “even more immigrants are arriving”. “Because then the AfD is better. We can still shoot everyone after. That is not a problem at all. Or gas, or whatever you want. I do not care!”

“Zeit Online” reported that, for legal reasons, ProSieben only spoke of a senior AfD official in an associated television documentary and did not mention Lüth’s name. However, the portal clearly identified Lüth with the help of several informants. The documentation “Special ProSieben: Right, German, Radical” It should air Monday night.

ProSieben reported in advance that AfDler wanted to persuade his interlocutor to work with the party. “The worse Germany does, the better for the AfD,” he is supposed to have said. “That sucks, of course, for our kids too, but that will probably keep us going.” He is also said to have said that this was “discussed for a long time” with the leader of the parliamentary group Alexander Gauland.

Lüth was released two months after the meeting.

The encounter between the YouTuber and Lüth came after he contacted Licentia several times on Twitter, writes “Zeit Online”. Meeting at the Berlin bar, Lüth did not know that Licentia wanted to leave the stage on the right. Therefore, she was in contact with the ProSieben team around reporter Thilo Mischke: journalists filmed the meeting.

Two months after the alleged meeting, Lüth was released from his duties as spokesman for the parliamentary group. Two weeks ago, the position was officially revoked, according to the faction. The liberation in April took place after reports emerged, according to which Lüth described himself as a “fascist” and claimed to have spoken of his “Aryan” ancestry with reference to his grandfather.

The chairman of the AfD parliamentary group, Alexander Gauland, said before Lüth’s impeachment on Monday: “The statements attributed to Mr. (Christian) Lüth (the group’s former press spokesperson) are completely unacceptable and in no way related to the aims and policies of the AfD and the AfD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag “.

The claim that “I had only spoken to Lüth about these issues or that I even approved of the statements attributed to Mr. Lüth is completely absurd and fictitious,” he added. Gauland said in a “Spiegel” interview in late 2015, when the party was again in a better position despite the resignation of thousands of members: “Of course, we owe our resurgence primarily to the refugee crisis.”

AfD emphasized on Twitter that Lüth was not a member of the party and had not worked for the party for three years. “She could not speak for us as a party in February 2020,” the AfD told its press spokesman for the Bundestag parliamentary group at the time.

“We cannot say what was said at the meeting that obviously took place,” said AfD parliamentary group spokesman Marcus Schmidt.

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The report sparked more reactions on Twitter: “Nobody hates our beautiful country as much as the AfD,” said Konstantin Kuhle, spokesman for domestic politics for the FDP parliamentary group.

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“The patriotism of the AfD,” wrote FDP Secretary General Volker Wissing. To a comment saying that Lüth was previously a member of the FDP, he replied: “And since the FDP is liberal and not right-wing extremist, now it is with the AfD.

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Strong criticism from the SPD also came. “Once again it is the AfD that has these people in its ranks,” the vice president of the SPD parliamentary group, Katja Mast, criticized the AFP agency. Lüth’s alleged statement about the shooting of migrants was “horrible, inhumane and openly right-wing extremist.” “This is poison for our country and it makes me sick.”
