These two are pretty much the best enemies …
The “Summer House of the Stars” on RTL was once again the scene of explosive conflicts between shared apartment residents on Sunday night.
Right at the beginning, the cauldron was boiling with the emigrant Andreas Robens (53). A new resident trudged through the front door along with her husband Peter: Katzenberger’s mother, Iris Klein (53). This is no stranger to the Majorcan by choice: everyone knows each other on the island.
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/hier-legen-was-in-der-luft-iris-und-peter-klein-beim-einzug-ins-sommerhaus-201538690- 73131496 / image / 1.bild.jpg “/> There’s something in the air here: Iris and Peter Klein move into the summer housePhoto: TVNOW
And that’s really not love between the two. Andreas even refused to accept the lowest common denominator of social conventions: “I do not salute you. I have never met such an intriguing and devious woman as Iris Klein. “
The reason for the enmity? Gastronomy contest in the Balearic Islands. Andreas accused Iris of destroying the future: “They destroyed a lifelong dream! It was about a restaurant, which Iris and her friend got back then. They cheated on my friend and that’s why they have to go to court in October! “
An angry bodybuilder, you better get safe. YouTube couple Lisha (33) and Lou (31) headed to the consulting room with urine, Lisha vacillating between fear and fascination: “If Andreas freaks out, it’s over. She will crush you with one hand! Maybe your head will pop like it did on Game of Thrones. You are gone faster than you can see! “
“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/moechten-nicht-von-andreas-zerquetscht-haben-lou-und-lisha-201538692-73131512/Bild/1.bild.jpg ” /> I don’t want to be crushed by Andreas: Lou and LishaPhoto: TVNOW