Terrorist attack in Paris: Messermann was frightened by the cartoon of Muhammad


After the knife attack in Paris on Friday, the main suspect is said to have confessed.

In his confession, the man had mentioned the Muhammad cartoons republished in the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo,” French media reported Saturday, citing investigators. Initially there was no confirmation from the prosecutor.

The 18-year-old “could not bear” the cartoons of Muhammad in the satire magazine, reports the AFP news agency.

Der Hauptverdächtige (sitzend) nach der Attacke in der französischen HauptstadtPhoto: AFP

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/der-hauptverdaechtige-sitzend-nach-der-attacke-in-der-franzoesischen-hauptstadt-201537981-73116342/Bild/15.bild. jpg “/>

The main suspect (sitting) after the attack in the French capital. The police gave “Ali” as his first name.Photo: AFP

An employee of a film production company was injured in the attack near the former “Charlie Hebdo” newsroom on Friday afternoon.

The two victims were seriously injured in the face. “The attack was incredibly violent,” a witness told Franceinfo. “There was a real will to kill.” Both were operated on Friday. Now they are in two different hospitals.

The 18-year-old alleged perpetrator arrived in France three years ago as an unaccompanied refugee minor. He was reportedly born in Pakistan.

  • Documentation at BILD.de

    Interesting too

The trial against the alleged helpers of the horror series in January 2015 has been taking place in Paris since the beginning of September. A total of 17 people died at that time. It all started with a murderous attack on the “Charlie Hebdo” newsroom. At the beginning of the trial, the magazine republished Mohammed’s cartoons. The editorial team, which now works in a secret location, has again been threatened.

Dieses blutverschmierte Messer blieb am Tatort zurückPhoto: / AP Photo / dpa

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/dieses-blutverschmierte-messer-blieb-am-tatort-zurueck-201537376-73116736/Bild/8.bild.jpg “/>

That bloody knife was left on the scenePhoto: / AP Photo / dpa

The anti-terrorist unit of the prosecution has taken over the investigation. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin spoke of an “act of Islamist terrorism.”

The victims had just taken a smoke break when the attacker attacked them. “I heard screaming. At first I thought it was a girl who played, ”said an editor named Fabien of the newspaper“ Le Parisien ”. The attacker is said to have fled to the subway. Shortly after, he was arrested nearby, in front of the opera in the Place de la Bastille.

Now a second suspect has been released. It is said that he is a witness. Other suspects are still in police custody.

Interior Minister Darmanin announced that now other landmarks in France should be better protected. These include the Bataclan concert hall, which was also the target of an attack in autumn 2015. The Paris police are being criticized because there were no special protective measures around the old “Charlie Hebdo” newsroom.
