Two Bavarian districts tear the upper limit of Corona


Rhön-Grabfeld imposes contact restrictions

In the Rhön-Grabfeld district of Lower Franconia, the crown’s requirements are now tightening. Starting on Sunday, according to information from the district office on Saturday, only groups of a maximum of five people are allowed to be outdoors. The corresponding limits also apply to the restaurant industry. Private celebrations are limited to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors, care facilities and hospitals can only allow one visit per resident per day. In the event of violations of the general decree, the authority threatens heavy fines of up to 25,000 euros.

The district had already taken action against the high number of cases in recent days. For example, the district office had banned all planned sporting events in the Altlandkreis Bad Königshofen area that were supposed to take place this weekend. The clubs were asked not to play away games.

Bad Königshofen was the first city in Bavaria to close all schools last week due to Corona. The lessons are planned to continue from next Monday. Nurseries should also reopen. However, a mask requirement applies to all schools in the district until further notice and there are more quarantine measures in individual classes.

Drastic measures in the Dingolfing-Landau district

In the Dingolfing-Landau district of Lower Bavaria, many of the new cases date back to a BMW logistics service provider. In a series of tests, nearly 40 employees tested positive for the virus.

The district office issued a blanket decree Thursday because the warning value was exceeded. The corona measures have been in effect since Friday, probably until October 2. As in the Rhön-Grabfeld district, they contain strict rules of contact, as well as requirements for nursing homes, schools, restaurants and private celebrations. For travelers returning home, the obligation to self-quarantine at home only ends when the Dingolfing-Landau district office has received a second negative Covid-19 test result, which occurred between the fifth and seventh day. after entry.

More than 300 new infections in Bavaria

Bavarian health authorities report 380 new corona virus infections from Friday to Saturday. The figures are published by the State Office for Health and Food Safety in Erlangen (status: 26.9.20; 8 am).

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 67,015 people have been infected with the Sars-Cov2 virus in Bavaria. The death toll in the Free State has not increased since yesterday and stands at 2,655. With the incidence of seven days per 100,000 inhabitants, Bavaria has a value of 17.41. This value is highest in Upper Bavaria with 22.88 and lowest in Upper Franconia with 11.05.

Counties call for “visitor limits” at the national level

Throughout Germany, districts are now calling for an upper limit to be set for private celebrations of fewer than 50 participants. The demand will be particularly debated next Tuesday at the crown summit of the federal and state governments.

The current patchwork quilt irritates people, said President of the District Assembly Reinhard Sager (CDU) of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Saturday). Therefore, at least some uniform rules are needed. Sager said that above all he considered “a clear upper limit for urgently needed private celebrations, whether they take place in Munich or Flensburg.” If there are 50 or more participants, it will be logistically extremely difficult to trace the contacts if a positive Covid-19 was among the company.
