Knife attack in Paris: Suspect is said to have confessed


Police suspect that an 18-year-old man seriously injured two people near the old “Charlie Hebdo” newsroom with a knife. According to constant media reports, the young man should confess.

After the knife attack in Paris, the main suspect would have confessed to the crime. The 18-year-old also mentioned the Mohammed cartoons published by the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, French media reported unanimously. He “couldn’t stand” these cartoons. Initially there was no confirmation from the prosecutor.

On Friday afternoon, two people in the vicinity of the former editorial office of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo” were attacked with a knife and injured. The victims are said to be employees of a film production company. Both are seriously injured, but their lives are not in danger.

The television production is located in the building where the satirical magazine used to have its offices. Apparently, the two employees had gone out to smoke.

The main suspect was known to the police.

The police were immediately on the scene with a large number. Shortly after the crime, the main suspect was arrested on the Place de la Bastille, not far from the crime scene. The 18-year-old of Pakistani origin is said to have been covered in blood.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin claimed that the police knew the young man, but that there was no sign of radicalization. The suspect also does not appear on the lists of possible Islamist threats. According to the police, the young man has been in France for three years. In June he was temporarily detained because he was in possession of a “stabbing weapon”.

“Clearly an act of Islamist terrorism”

As reported by the AFP news agency, in addition to the main suspect, there are six other men in police custody, including a former roommate of the main suspect. An Algerian who was initially arrested was released that night. Investigations had shown that he observed the crime as an eyewitness and followed the attacker.

Shortly after the crime, the antiterrorist prosecution took over the case. It has launched investigations into “attempted murder in connection with a terrorist project”.

Interior Minister Darmanin described the knife attack on Friday night as an Islamist attack. The attack was “clearly an act of Islamist terrorism,” he told the French television channel France 2. There was no doubt that it was another “bloody attack against our country.” He had asked the prefecture police to verify why the threat on this street had been underestimated, even if the editorial office of “Charlie Hebdo” has not been based there for several years.

“Charlie Hebdo” republished the cartoons of Muhammad

In 2015, 17 people were killed by Islamist terrorists in an attack on the editorial staff of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”.

Since the beginning of the month, a trial has been held in Paris against the alleged aides and accomplices of the attackers at the time. “Charlie Hebdo” had republished the Muhammad cartoons this time. The terrorist organization “Islamic State” then threatened to retaliate.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on September 26, 2020 at 2pm
