Paris: knife attack with two wounded was an “Islamist terrorist act” – News


Bloody knife attack on Friday afternoon in central Paris, near the old newsroom of the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”.

According to the police, at least two people were seriously injured. According to media reports, two alleged perpetrators were arrested, one with blood on his clothing.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told France 2 television on Friday night that the attack was “clearly an act of Islamist terrorism.” He added: “This is another bloody attack against our country.”

Immediately after the attack, the police asked the population to avoid the area in the 11th district. Several schools in the area were cordoned off.

Thousands of students in three central Paris districts were not allowed to drop out of school for the time being. According to the district mayor, Ariel Weil, students of all ages, but also kindergarten students, were affected. Municipal facilities and sports halls were also closed accordingly.

Bei der Attacke wurden mehrere Menschen verletztPhoto: ALAIN JOCARD / AFP

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Several people were injured in the attackPhoto: ALAIN JOCARD / AFP

The injured are reportedly employees of a television production company. “Two colleagues were smoking a cigarette on the street in front of the building. I heard screams. I went to the window and saw one of my colleagues covered in blood being chased down the street by a man with a machete, ”said another employee of the Premières Lignes production company.

The company has offices on Rue Nicolas Appert, where Charlie Hebdo’s editorial team used to be. The satirical magazine has now moved to a secret location.

At the crime scene, investigators discovered a large knife, he said.

Dieses blutverschmierte Messer blieb am Tatort zurückPhoto: / AP Photo / dpa

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That bloody knife was left on the scenePhoto: / AP Photo / dpa

It was also reported that a suspicious package was found. France Info radio station reported, citing police circles, but there were no explosives on it.

The trial of the terrorism series has begun

► A trial is currently underway in Paris against suspected supporters of the multi-day terrorist series in January 2015, in which the editorial team of “Charlie Hebdo” and a kosher supermarket were attacked and 17 people were killed. The magazine recently published cartoons of Mohammed again, and as a result, she was threatened again.

In the process now 14 people are charged. They are accused of having collaborated in various ways in the preparation of the attacks and of having belonged to a terrorist group. In most cases, prison terms of up to 20 years face imprisonment. The defendants are said to have obtained weapons or provided them with accommodation, for example.

The three terrorists directly involved in the attacks were shot dead by security forces.
