“In Tichy, verbal failure has a system”


“That was extremely misogynistic towards my colleague and absolutely incompatible with the ideals of the foundation” – CSU Minister of State Dorothee Bär on contribution to “Tichy’s Insight”
Image: dpa

CSU Minister of State Dorothee Bär has withdrawn from the Ludwig-Erhard-Stiftung due to sexism in the foundation president Roland Tichy’s document. An interview about the daily contempt for women and their expectations towards men.

Ms Bär, after you announced your retirement from the Ludwig-Erhard-Foundation due to anger at a sexist article in the foundation president Roland Tichy’s newspaper, the latter wants to retire in turn. Are you reviewing your decision now?

Thyme Frasch

That depends on how the foundation develops. There will be a general assembly in the fall with the election of a new president. If the new board of directors wants to promote the ideals of Ludwig Erhard, which are very important to me, then nothing would stand in the way of my support, not only from a political point of view, but also personally: Ludwig Erhard comes from my constituency .
