Why Denmark is having a hard time fighting Corona


meIn Denmark, you ask the most unpleasant questions. One of them has just been commented on the front page of the newspaper “Politiken”. It was about whether Denmark was wrong about how to deal with the Corona crisis, and whether the otherwise skeptical neighbor, Sweden might have been right after all. Finally, infection rates increased in Denmark, while the Swedish infection rate was among the lowest in Europe, according to the text. It was about herd immunity and new discoveries that could possibly be made sooner.

Matthias Wyssuwa

Matthias Wyssuwa

Political Correspondent for Northern Germany and Scandinavia based in Hamburg.

But it was also about the comparison of two very different strategies in the fight against the spread of the corona virus. Because while Sweden reacted with fewer bans and interventions in public life for a long time, Denmark had followed the “hammer and dance” strategy, but now there is the risk of missing a beat when dancing. Shortly after the article was published, new record numbers of infections were reported. Now the Robert Koch Institute has even classified the capital region as a risk area.
