Public service: Lüneburg is on strike on Friday | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


Status: 09/24/2020 21:49 – NDR 1 Lower Saxony

Public service workers demonstrate in the Verden town hall square.  © NDR Photo: Maren Mommsen

In Verden, up to 150 public service workers demonstrated in front of the city hall on Thursday.

On Friday, the ver.di union continues warning strikes in the public sector in Lüneburg. According to a spokesperson, he expects 250 participants to attend a rally. This should start at 10.30 am. Lüneburg is important to ver.di because Mayor Ulrich Mägde (SPD) is the chief negotiator for the Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA). Ver.di assumes that the consequences of the strike will be clearly felt in Lüneburg. Among other things, specialists from the ten municipal nurseries participate in the protest. Therefore, it is said that not all children can be cared for that day. The local union Komba of the Lower Saxony Civil Service Association has also called a selective warning strike in Lüneburg on Friday. According to NDR information, Osnabrück should also be affected on Friday.

Get started in Verden with Nienburg employees

The first round of warning attacks began Thursday morning in Verden. According to ver.di, up to 150 employees from the city, the district, the district’s road maintenance department and Aller-Weser-Klinik stopped working there. They gathered for a rally at the town hall, which also included Sparkasse employees from Nienburg. Actions were also planned in Hildesheim. “The need for strikes is enormous,” said union spokesman Matthias Büschking. “Colleagues are angry.” Due to the Corona crisis, they rely on decentralized warning attacks.

Hannover will be the center of attention next week

In the next week, the state capital will face warning strikes. “Hannover will be the center of attention next week,” ver.di spokesman Matthias Büschking announced on Thursday. The Hannover transport company Üstra is affected by this. Municipal hospitals could be another approach. Citizens should expect restrictions, the spokesman said.

Next round of negotiations: end of October

The union demands 4.8 percent more salary for the 2.3 million collective bargaining employees nationwide in the public service of the federal government and municipalities, but at least 150 euros more per month. Employers have yet to submit an offer in the first two rounds of negotiations. The third round of negotiations is scheduled for October 22 and 23.

Additional Information

Stadtwerke Kiel employees walk down the street during a human chain demonstration.  © dpa photography: Frank Molter

With the first warning strikes in the Kiel public sector, the ver.di union has increased pressure on employers. The participants formed a long human chain. (22.09.2020) more

A sign that reads: This company is on strike.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Moritz Frankenberg

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Woman with ver.di logo on her cheek and whistle in her mouth.  © dpa photo: Frank May

Unions are demanding 4.8 percent more wages in the public sector. This is “not realistic” due to the Corona crisis, says the negotiator for the other party, Lüneburg Mayor Madge. (01.09.2020) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 09/24/2020 | 8:00 am

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