EU Commission proposals: Association of cities praises asylum reform plans


With rigorous deportations and more cooperation between EU states, Brussels wants to resolve the blockages in refugee policy. This has the approval of the German Association of Cities and Municipalities. But the proposals have also received harsh criticism.

The German Association of Cities and Municipalities has praised the proposals of the EU Commission for a new European asylum system. The Brussels plans are “adequate to dissolve the current blockade for a common approach of the member states on asylum and migration policy,” said executive director Gerd Landsberg of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. The measures must now be implemented “as quickly as possible”. “Due to the tense situation in some Member States, mainly for humanitarian reasons, we cannot afford any further delays.”

Proposals from the EU Commission establish, among other things, that rejected asylum seekers will be deported more quickly and forcefully. This should alleviate countries like Greece and Italy, where those seeking protection mainly go. Countries like Hungary and Poland, which generally refuse to accept migrants, should only be able to be forced to do so in absolutely exceptional cases.

Barley calls for more financial penalties

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer had already described the Commission’s proposals on Wednesday as a good basis for talks with EU member states. The EU parliamentary group’s leading MEP, Torsten Frei, also described a more rigorous approach to the EU’s external borders as sensible: “Because it makes little sense, given the fact that two-thirds of people have no right to asylum. , take them all over Europe “.

The Vice President of the European Parliament, Katharina Barley, was much more critical. The SPD politician complained that there were still too many ambiguities in the implementation of the Commission’s proposals. It is problematic “if everyone says we do not accept, but we support the return,” she said. NDR information.

Looking at countries like Hungary, Barley said the EU should focus more on financial sanctions: “If countries do not show solidarity and do not fulfill their responsibility to accept refugees, then there is also less support from the EU budget.” This is the only way to put pressure on such states.

“Deeply anti-European and lack of solidarity”

The deputy leader of the left-wing group, Heike Hänsel, voiced harsh criticism of the planned asylum pact. She warned me radio rbb info“This means that Europe is creating many new refugee camps on the borders, such as those on the Greek islands. “Now we have to realize that the European Union is using Moria as a model for new camps at the external borders,” he said.

Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn defended the Commission’s proposal: “I find it profoundly anti-European and lacking in solidarity that this sometimes breaks up in the air so quickly.” There are certain things that not everyone can approve of. However, the EU Commission has gone to great lengths to create a better balance between responsibility and solidarity, Asselborn said.

With information from Kai Küstner, ARD capital studio

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on September 24, 2020 at 02:14 am and B5 currently at 10:03 am
