Public service: Ver.di wants to expand warning strikes


Until now, warning strikes in the public service have only been felt sporadically. But now the union ver.di wants to increase the pressure on employers: nationwide, an extension of work stoppages is planned.

After the start of warning strikes in the public service, people have to prepare for strikes on an even larger scale. “In the coming days and weeks, we will call on employees from across the spectrum of the federal and local government to initiate warning strikes,” said ver.di president Frank Werneke of the dpa news agency in Berlin. .

“There is steam and boiling in hospitals”

More outstanding debts are already planned for today in several federal states. “There is energy in this wage dispute,” said the head of ver.di. According to Werneke, clinics will play an important role. “It’s steaming and boiling in hospitals,” he said.

There is a high level of expectation that the ongoing collective bargaining will bring a significant increase in revenue for more than two million federal and local employees.

According to Werneke, employee discontent is likely to be felt most strongly in daycare, nursing homes, and all other areas as well.

“Flat entrance” in warning strikes

Nationally, there was a “pretty flat start” to the warning strikes, Werneke said. Actions had been taken against municipal companies in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Schleswig-Holstein, among others.

“Here was once a warehouse, once a city administration, once a small hospital,” Werneke said. “We have to feel our way because there are hardly any empirical values ​​with warning strikes in the conditions of Corona,” said the union president. In the collective bargaining dispute at the post office, however, a total of 25,000 of the 140,000 employees participated in relevant campaigns.

Werneke assured that hygiene rules should always be followed. “We will do it very carefully.” Ver.di also takes social responsibility seriously.

Allegations to employers

Werneke accused city employers of having, by insisting on this fall’s pandemic round of collective bargaining, pursue the goal of having weakened unions as a counterpart. They would have been wrong.

Werneke objected to the idea of ​​strikes being part of public sector collective bargaining as a ritual. “I don’t see strikes as a ritual,” he said. In the crown situation, they are even less obvious. “There is real anger among employees at the behavior of employers.” They had not submitted an offer and argued that employees should be happy not to be fired in times of crisis. “That’s extremely bad,” Werneke said.

Strike warning campaigns in public transport

For local public transport, Werneke initially announced nationwide warning strike campaigns for one day. “We can attack here too,” he said.

There are regional collective agreements in local public transport, but these have been rescinded so that warning strikes are also possible here. Over the weekend, according to ver.di, municipal employers spoke out against the negotiation of a framework collective agreement at the national level for public transport employees. This Friday the union wants to report on the next steps.
