Gay Chancellor? Laschet reacts to Merz’s statement: it doesn’t matter in 2020


The criticism persists: Armin Laschet now also comments on Friedrich Merz and his statements on homosexuality and the chancellery. Your opinion is clear.

After Friedrich Merz’s much-criticized statement about a possible gay chancellor, Armin Laschet has now reacted. When asked by a journalist, the prime minister of North Rhine-Westphalia and Merz’s competitor in the CDU presidential race said: “In 2020, it really doesn’t matter who loves whom.” He added: “That is consensus in our society, and that is also the consensus of a modern popular party.”

SPD leader speaks of abysses

Merz is under fire after a video interview with “Bild.” There, the CDU presidential candidate answered the question whether he had reservations about a gay federal chancellor with a “no.” However, the following sentence caused outrage: “Sexual orientation has nothing to do with the public as long as it is within the framework of the law and does not affect children. At this point, however, a limit has been reached absolute for me, “said Merz.

With this, Merz unleashed harsh criticism. SPD leader Saskia Esken also told “Spiegel” that it was “the abyss we are looking at.” Merz “trapped in the past”. Already monday The Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU) had also spoken: “If the first association with homosexuality is legal issues or pedophilia, then you should ask Friedrich Merz.”

The federal CDU is also currently planning greater acceptance of gays and lesbians within the party. A planned reform of the statutes plans to convert the lesbian and gay union into a so-called special organization. The federal party congress has yet to agree to this.
