Government toughens requirements: Britain at “dangerous tipping point”


According to British Prime Minister Johnson, the current increase in the number of cases represents a “dangerous turning point”. That is why your government must tighten protection measures, for example for pubs, football stadiums or working from home.

In light of the increasing number of new corona infections, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced new restrictions on public life in parliament. He called on the population to work from home if possible. Also, pubs and restaurants must be closed between 10 pm and 5 am and passengers must wear masks on public transport, including taxis.

“Dangerous turning point”

Johnson thus stopped the return of the population to the office and normal daily life. Britain is at a dangerous tipping point in the fight against the virus, he said, and “this is the time when we must act.”

The government also restricted the size of the crowds. Only 15 people can attend weddings. The plan for spectators to be able to attend sporting events again from October has been put on hold. The government also increased penalties for infractions. The rules may have to last six months, he warned. On Monday, the government reported 4,300 new confirmed corona cases, the highest number since May.

“Even more drastic measures” are possible

At the same time, he warned that the government would have to take “even more drastic measures” if the spread of the virus is not stopped. “We must recognize that the spread of the virus limits our ability to reopen a major conference, trade show or sporting event,” Johnson said. “I know the implications for our sports clubs, which are the heart and soul of our communities.” But the virus outbreak leaves no other choice.

The best doctor in England, Chris Whitty, compared the situation with that of Spain and France, where the number of new corona infections doubled every seven days. He urged the population to adhere to the rules of distance. “This is nobody’s problem. This is everyone’s problem,” he said.

Tagesschau24 reported on this issue on September 22, 2020 at 3:00 pm
