Price of CO2: Homeowners Should Share Higher Heating Costs


economy Increase in the price of CO2

Additional costs through climate protection – homeowners must share in higher heating costs

| Reading time: 3 minutes

Many consumers are unaware of the upcoming CO2 tax

Starting in 2021, Germans will have to pay a CO2 tax on gasoline and heating oil. This is regulated by the Fuel Emissions Trading Law. However, the next paradigm shift in the tax and contribution system is still unknown.

Germany will introduce a CO2 price for climate protection in 2021, making heating more expensive for many. The SPD ministries want to share the additional costs between tenants and landlords. That doesn’t go well in the real estate industry.

ORControversial movement of the ministries of finance, environment and justice led by the SPD: if the COtwo-The price increases the price of heating with oil and gas from 2021, the owners should bear half of the additional costs. This arises from a draft of common key points of the departments, which is also available to the German Press Agency.

The ministries suggest that “the COtwo– Limit costs for tenants to a maximum of 50 percent “- Therefore, landlords must add a maximum of half of the costs, which will initially increase year on year starting in 2021, on the rent. There were protests from the real estate industry, and concerned CDU ministries, construction and economy ministries, initially did not comment.

A spokesperson for the Federal Minister of the Environment, Svenja Schulze (SPD), said that with this initiative, the ministries showed that they take the “social buffer” of climate protection very seriously. We look forward to receiving feedback from the other departments.

An incentive to install climate-friendly heating?

The cotwo-The price will increase the price of gasoline and diesel, as well as heating oil and natural gas from 2021, at first only a little, then a little more year after year until 2025. It is still open how the prices will continue things after that. The goal is to make fossil fuels less attractive and encourage a shift to more climate-friendly alternatives.

However, with heating, tenants generally do not have this in their own hands – the landlord decides whether the old oil heating should be replaced.

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In the climate protection program, the black-red coalition had agreed to “a limited allocation of COtwo– Check prices. “This encourages landlords to invest in climate-friendly heating and good insulation, and tenants to save on heating.

Fuel suppliers should be required to include the proportion of COtwo-Price to show. From the perspective of the ministries, the new regulation should be implemented with the start of the COtwoThe price will be applied from January 1, 2021, and not only for apartments, but also for commercial rentals.

Owner: “Insolence” and “Populism”

The real estate industry was fundamental. “The demands of the SPD are simply outrageous populism and a lack of experience,” said the president of the Haus und Grund association, Kai Warnecke. The Social Democrats “hypocritically wanted their own clientele to be excluded” from CO costs.two-Price.

The owners do not influence the behavior of the tenants in terms of heating and showering. “That would be as if an automobile manufacturer had to reduce COtwo-Pay for a driver’s emissions “.

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Criticism of the advance also increased on the Internet. On Twitter, some pointed out that if the tenant was not environmentally conscious (windows open, heating fully operational), the costs to the landlord would be high. Others fear that the decision will increase rents in the long term.

The president of the ZIA Real Estate Association, Andreas Mattner, for his part, considers the divide between tenants and owners fundamentally sensible, but also sees risks, as he said.

Energy renovations, which include replacement of the heating system, are no longer economically viable in many cases.

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“Limiting the allocation capacity would increase this.” When designing allocation capacity, consider whether an owner has already invested; in such a case it should be possible to reduce the COtwo-Price costs are fully transferred to the tenants.
