Oktoberfest: Numerous traditional costumes gather at Oktoberfest despite alcohol ban – Wirtshaus-Wiesn opened


The WirtshausWiesn has started in Munich. The event is intended to be a replacement for Oktoberfest, which was canceled due to Corona. Trachtler also met at Theresienwiese.

  • Oktoberfest 2020 had to be canceled due to the corona pandemic.
  • As a replacement, the Wirtshauswiesn is carried out in Corona conditions.
  • However, numerous traditional costumes were gathered at Theresienwiese.

Munich – That Oktoberfest is canceled – was held on Saturday in Munich However. At 12 noon, the time when the first barrel is traditionally from Lord Mayor is pierced – stayed on saturday Theresienwiese Quiet except for a few costumed visitors. It was held in numerous restaurants. Among other things, the former mayor of Munich stabbed Christian Ude (SPD), at that time Anzapfkönig, in the Schillerbräu in the Bahnhofsviertel – with two hits – and still “a handful more”, as he said.

“Ozapft is”: former mayor Christian Ude opens WirtshausWiesn, but its old form has disappeared

In contrast to his highly sovereign appearances at the beginning of Oktoberfest, the tap was not sitting properly, a pool of beer was already forming on the floor. As a precaution, he added six more after the first two hits, he said. Ude. Such a breakdown has probably never happened to an experienced operator. But it wasn’t just him.

The barrel only contained 20 liters, the so-called deer in the Meadows it is more than ten times bigger and has more than 200 liters. But he was “freshly shaken,” as Ude put it. It settled in shortly before tapping; in the real Oktoberfest this happens the day before, the barrel no longer moves. Most recently, Ude was mayor in 2013 in the Oktoberfest hit – with two blows. He was the first obstetrician in Oktoberfest history to do so.

Christian Ude (SPD), honorary citizen of the city of Munich and former mayor of Munich, hits the first barrel with mouth and nose protection when striking at the Schillerbräu.

© Felix Hörhager / dpa

WirtshausWiesn: Munich restaurateurs offer replacement for Oktoberfest: Mayor Reiter warns that crown rules are being followed

On the call WirtshausWiesn I love Oktoberfest and city center hosts creates an Oktoberfest atmosphere. There’s Oktoberfest original beer, chicken, Haxn, Brezn, and sometimes live brass music. During the so-called summer in the city, which has been running for weeks, numerous Oktoberfest attractions are distributed throughout the city.

the Munich restorers connect with “WirtshausWiesn” at first Oktoberfest in 1810. At that time, the Theresienwiese a royal wedding was held with horse racing. People ate, drank and sang in the surrounding inns.

Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD)that otherwise would have hit the first barrel did not celebrate on Saturday. You will think a bit longingly about tapping, but you have not planned any alternatives. He asked everyone who wanted to celebrate anyway to abide by the Crown rules.

Visitors, some of them dressed in traditional costumes, on the Oktoberfest grounds.

© Peter Kneffel

Not in the mood for WirtshausWiesn: Trachtler meets in Wiesn and celebrates without alcohol

About him Theresienwiese some even rang at 12 noon “Ozapft is” -Rufe. There were some groups, often in Try – together. There was also a demonstration by environmentalists. About him At Oktoberfest there was a ban on alcohol., so the city wanted to avoid wild substitution celebrations. This worked fine at noon. According to the Police, which according to a spokesperson there were 60 people to control, everything remained calm.

Among other things, a picnic group Oktoberfest service disguised with a mix of cola and alcohol-free shandy underneath the Bavaria. the WirtshausWiesn he viewed them critically. “That’s silly,” said Nicolai Schmidt, who normally would have worked in one of the tents.

Oktoberfest 2020: Climate protesters occupy Theresienwiese

the Autumn Climate Network used the vacant space on Saturday Meadows. She demonstrated with more than 100 people under the slogan “Entry of climate heroes.” The colorful entourage included, among other things, an electric carriage in which young women in traditional costumes danced, a donkey, trees in wagons, people dressed as cows, and children on bicycles. The rally was organized by the Climate Autumn Network, which convened it under the slogan “Entry of climate heroes”.

In the festival area, protesters, accompanied by festival music, wrote their ideas on more animal welfare and climate justice for a more social and ecological future with chalk on the asphalt. Most of the participants used Mouth and nose protection and paid attention to distances.

Parallel to the events that occurred in the middle of the Theresienwiese, almost at the foot of Bavaria, the operation in the Munich corona test station further away. Oktoberfest 2020 should start on September 19, Corona prevents it. The Wirtshaus-Wiesn will be held as an alternative, that’s a big mistake, says tz.de author Andreas Knobloch. A comment. Oktoberfest 2020 was canceled due to the corona pandemic, but on the “first day” there were more memorable places. (dpa)
