Weddings, parties, team sports: these districts currently have the most new infections – politics


At the start of the weekend, the number of new infections in Germany hit a new high of 2,297 for nearly five months. The number of infections is increasing in almost all of Germany.

However, three districts are particularly affected. Here, the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants has risen above the critical value of 50 in the last seven days. It is the threshold during the coronavirus pandemic above which a stricter concept of restriction should be implemented.

Two of the three districts are in Bavaria, they are Würzburg (66.5) and Munich (54.2). Between lies Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony (64.4). This is evident in the Tagesspiegel figures.

Whereas ten days ago nine of the ten most severely affected districts in Germany were in Bavaria, now there are only six, in addition to those mentioned above. District of Würzburg, Kulmbach, Wunsiedel in Fichtelgebirge and Regensburg. Geographically speaking, the virus has continued to spread for the past two weeks.

At that time, the Bavarian state government justified the high number of cases by increasing the number of tests. However, the positive rate of the tests also increased. The same is now also in the new access points to observe. In addition to Cloppenburg in Lower Saxony, three districts of North Rhine-Westphalia are also in the top ten: Hamm, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Gelsenkirchen.

On the other hand, there are also eight German districts that have not registered new infections in the last seven days. With the exception of Rhein-Lahn-Kreis in Rhineland-Palatinate, they are found in eastern Germany, in Thuringia, Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt: Uckermark, Nordhausen, Eichsfeld, Jerichower Kreis, Kyffhäuserkreis, Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis and Prignitz.

Relatively the second highest number of cases in the whole of Germany – Cloppenburg district administrator Johann Wimberg is also shocked.Photo: Mohssen Assanimoghaddam / dpa

The situation of the crown in Cloppenburg is particularly surprising. With 64.4 cases, the district with its 170,000 inhabitants has 40 more cases per 100,000 inhabitants than the city of Lower Saxony with the second highest number of cases. This is Osnabrück in the extreme south of the state.

30 new infections were added on Friday alone, Cloppenburg now has 145 actively infected. “This is very unusual for us,” District Administrator Johann Wimberg said on Friday. The district has weathered the pandemic very well so far. To date, there has not been a single death to report.

He believes the number of new infections is increasing so rapidly that it has to do with a looser approach to the pandemic in the population. The mask requirement, as well as the rules of distance and hygiene, would no longer be taken as seriously as at the beginning of the pandemic.

Cloppenburg sees expansion in the area of ​​sports and leisure

Consequently, Cloppenburg reacted with additional restrictions on public life in some communities. In affected areas of the district, a maximum of six people can meet privately until 4 October. Associations are prohibited from holding meetings, restaurants must close at 10 pm Schools had previously been closed in affected communities.

In addition, team sports had been banned across the district because the district administrator Wimberg and his colleagues had observed that the virus was spreading particularly in leisure and sports areas. Wimberg did not want to talk about a local shutdown, but said: “We are going in that direction.”

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Despite the new restrictions, there were numerous violations of Corona’s rules Sunday night, according to “NDR.” Cloppenburg police speak in a message of “terrifying results.”

A music bar, in which some 80 guests danced without a mask or distance, was closed by police. The service staff had also ignored the requirements. Three other pubs and a shisha bar in Cloppenburg received fines.

The development of the weekend was particularly bitter for soccer fans. The Bundesliga’s Werder Bremen had not banned some 40 fans from the Cloppenburg district from starting the season opener against Hertha BSC on Saturday.

“We will do our best to ensure that we can hold more home games here in Bremen with the spectators and we will consider this to be the correct move in this context,” Werder president Hubertus Hess-Grunewald said in a statement from the club. “We look forward to understanding our decision and are counting on the fact that we will soon be able to welcome our fans from the Cloppenburg district.”

If Corona’s numbers remain high in Gelsenkirchen, spectators will not be allowed into Schalke Stadium on Saturday.Photo: Imago

The numbers in some districts of North Rhine-Westphalia are not increasing as strongly as in Cloppenburg. Gelsenkirchen is particularly affected: the city clearly exceeded the warning level, which is at a value of 35 – Gelsenkirchen currently hovers around 40 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, after the so-called seven-day incidence in the city was around 11 a week ago he had been lying.

On Monday, authorities want to decide whether the people of Gelsenkirchen have to again adhere to stricter limits on private celebrations. If the numbers remain high next week, FC Schalke 04 would have to play their first home game next Saturday without spectators.

The authorities want to decide after the weekend how things will continue in Gelsenkirchen. “There were coordination talks this morning with the state Health Ministry, which will issue a binding statement on Monday morning,” Gelsenkirchen health department head Luidger Wolterhoff said Saturday after a crisis team meeting. from the city.

Gelsenkirchen believes it will extend to larger celebrations

The day before, the city had announced that if the alert level of 35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants were exceeded in seven days, it would especially restrict private celebrations. There is a maximum limit of 50 guests for private parties. According to plans, celebrations in apartments “should only be possible on an exceptional occasion with a maximum of 25 participants,” the city announced.

“In recent days, we have noticed that the larger private celebrations in Gelsenkirchen in particular have contributed to the spread of the coronavirus,” said crisis team leader Karin Welge. Therefore, the city wants to start restrictions at exactly this point.

Hamm also announced that they would comment on possible restrictions on Monday. One wedding party in particular recently led to the sharp increase there. In Hamm, the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants is higher, around 44.7.

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On Friday it became known that there are 18 more cases related to a wedding in Hamm that lasted several days. Mayor Thomas Hunsteger-Petermann has not yet considered a radical blockade, according to the “Westfälischer Anzeiger”. “I don’t want to shut down the city because a group of people broke the rules,” he said.

The director of the Hunsteger-Petermann office spoke of a “conflagration”. Therefore, you do not want to “close anything that has nothing to do with the infection process.” However, a first step is to reduce the number of visitors who can be in Hammer Kirmes-Park at the same time from 1400 to 999. There, too, an alcohol ban was imposed.

Where else the Munich quilts. Oktoberfest is canceled, yet the number in Bavaria is increasing.Photo: Imago / Michael Westermann

Munich is also trying to combat the high number of infections with a ban, an Oktoberfest ban. The “Wiesn” was supposed to start on Saturday, but the Theresienwiese remained virtually empty as announced. But the numbers continue to rise. Possibly also because a replacement “WirtshausWiesn” is being held in Munich.

The event is controversial, although the usual crown rules about distances and masks apply in restaurants. The hosts emphasized that the guidelines were strictly adhered to. Initially there were no incidents on Saturday during the day.

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Wiesn chief economics director and chief Clemens Baumgärtner urged partygoers on radio station B5: “Don’t go to Oktoberfest, celebrate in the tavern, that’s better!” Mayor Dieter Reiter made an urgent appeal: “Make sure music is always background music. and your guests also adhere to the infection protection rules. Not only at the beginning, but also after the second Oktoberfest beer shot. ”

The hosts would have it in their own hands to avoid further restrictions through the necessary sensitivity and care. On Monday, a crisis team should discuss whether additional decisions should be made. Until now, the mask requirement has only been extended in Munich secondary schools.

Würzburg makes measurements and limits even more flexible

“At the moment, I do not consider that a decrease in restricted block lessons is commensurate,” Mayor Reiter decided. Nurseries and nurseries should also initially remain in regular operation. But depending on how the weekend goes by in the state capital, more restrictions could follow on Monday, especially in other areas, as Reiter announced.

In addition to Munich, the city of Würzburg in Bavaria also currently has a critically high number of infections exceeding 50 per 100,000 inhabitants. And yet on Friday the rules for gastronomy were adapted to the revised Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance.

Specifically, this means: Restaurants in the center of Würzburg can now serve alcohol until 11 pm instead of 10 pm It is still possible to dispense non-alcoholic food and drinks afterwards.

On the other hand, the Würzburg Administrative Court confirmed in two urgent decisions the reduction of the number of people from 100 to 50 at private parties. The group size restriction of ten to five people in the catering industry is also legitimate. In addition, the prohibition of alcohol along the Main from 10 pm applies in Würzburg. (with dpa)
