Christian Lindner calls for leniency: accusation of sexism against FDP chief


“I like to think about it, Linda, that in the last 15 months we have started the day together about 300 times.” With this sentence, the leader of the FDP, Christian Lindner, actually wanted to pay tribute to Linda Teuteberg, who had been murdered by him. Or so he said. But already the first isolated laughs at Saturday’s party conference made it clear that the ruling could also be interpreted differently. Especially since Lindner stopped after. Only after a brief pause did he roll his eyes and added: “I’m talking about our daily phone call in the morning about the political situation, not what you think now.”

For what perhaps should be a joke, Lindner earned the accusations of sexism. The issue was especially clear to the political opponent: “It’s terrible!” Renate Künast tweeted from the Greens. Green Youth federal spokeswoman Anna Peters accused Lindner of “quintessential chauvinism.” Party colleague Konstantin von Notz wrote: “It is better not to joke than to joke badly.”

There was also malice towards the head of the FDP from the possible coalition partner: “#MissionAltherrenwitz instead of #MissionAufbruch”, wrote for example Matthias Hauer of the CDU, alluding to the motto of the party congress.

Later that night, Lindner tried to limit the damage: “Please excuse me,” he tweeted. The mention of the morning conference call was not a joke. Quite a misunderstanding. And: “Once on Twitter, please for the accused.” Reactions to his tweet show, however, that very few doubt the party leader’s intention. Especially since the rest of the speech about Teuteberg’s departure from the party presidium was, in the opinion of many observers, quite embarrassing.

Teuteberg himself has not yet commented on the matter. At least not officially. In her Twitter account, she only linked her speech at the party congress and the information that she will run as the top candidate of the Brandenburg FDP in the upcoming federal elections. Teuteberg spoke to Lindner at the event in Berlin. Her conclusion to the failed collaboration: “It was an honor and above all a pleasure.”

Icon: The mirror
