Altherrenwitz on Teuteberg ?: Lindner rejects accusations of chauvinism


Unfortunate carelessness or cheap joke at a woman’s expense? When Christian Lindner said goodbye to Secretary General Teuteberg, who had been cut off by him, at the FDP party congress, he earned laughter over a supposedly suggestive allusion. The network is furious, Lindner feels misunderstood.

It took FDP President Christian Lindner about 70 minutes to rally his liberal troops behind him at the party congress in Berlin. His position was not up for debate, but the FDP has had a difficult year so far and 2021 will be a fateful year. Finally, according to polls, there is a risk of being expelled from the Bundestag. In this context, the once-so-radiant Lindner is counted as untold, especially since he was recently accused repeatedly of putting on a solo show atop the FDP and not allowing diversity.

Precisely for this reason, Lindner likely carefully weighed the relatively few sentences about Linda Teuteberg’s premature replacement that he promoted. Lindner’s proposed secretary general last year was replaced on Saturday by Rhineland-Palatinate Finance Minister Volker Wissing. In his farewell salute to Teuteberg, Lindner emphasized how much he appreciates the friend from the party and sees her as part of a strong team.

Art breakage or irritation?

Towards the end, however, the brief praise of the dead ended. Lindner turned to Teuteberg and said, “I like to think about that, Linda, in the last 15 months we started together about 300 times a day.” When Lindner took a short break and there was occasional laughter from the hallway, Lindner shrugged, rolled his eyes and said with a smile, what do you think now. “

The scene aroused harsh criticism on social media, especially from political opponents. Anna Peters, a federal spokeswoman for Green Youth, accused Lindner of “quintessential chauvinism” via Twitter. Green politician Renate Künast wrote: “It’s terrible!” Green Bundestag member Konstantin von Notz formulated, alluding to Lindner’s rejection of the Jamaican coalition: “It is better not to joke than to joke badly.” CDU MP Matthias Hauer tweeted, alluding to the motto of this year’s FDP party conference: “#MissionAltherrenwitz instead of #Mission Aufbruch.”

Lindner asks for your indulgence

In a reaction on Twitter, Lindner denied that he deliberately made a joke at Teuteberg’s expense: “Please hurry: the mention of the morning conference call with the secretary-general was not a joke; I was irritated by the occasional laugh. So just it was a misleading phrase. Once on Twitter, if in doubt, please for the defendant … “

Numerous users reported under the tweet that Lindner did not want to believe the error. Among them were also Twitter users pretending to be members of the FDP. The appearance seemed too much to confirm an image that apparently many of Lindner had made for themselves. This, in turn, is likely to annoy himself after receiving a lot of encouragement at the party congress for the remainder of his speech. The plan to begin the months leading up to the federal elections with renewed vigor appeared to have succeeded.

Teuteberg himself rolled his eyes at most during Lindner’s speech. In his own speech, he did not address the circumstances of his untimely dismissal and did not mention Lindner, with whom he started the day so often recently.
