The situation of the crown in Europe is getting worse: the numbers continue to rise: the neighboring country reports more than 13,000 new infections


The situation of the crown in Europe is reaching a critical point again. Spain is taking restrictive measures. France has record numbers.

  • Coronavirus pandemic * in Europe: The number of new COVID-19 cases keep going up.
  • Specially in Spain and France the virus is currently spreading rapidly.
  • Italy seemed to have caught up, now the numbers are increasing again here as well.
  • We have basic for you Facts about the coronavirus* summarized. We also provide you with current case numbers on a map Germany and all Corona news for Germany.

Update of September 19, 2020, 9:30 pm: Across Europe, the number of New corona infections in. too France it is affected by the renewed increase. On Friday, the country reported more than 13,200 new cases, a record since the pandemic began. Now the numbers went up again. With 13,498 crown boxes on Saturday France increased its own value again from Friday, according to ntv. The number of deaths increased by 26 to 31,274.

Crown in Europe: the situation is getting worse in several countries: districts closed and cordoned off

First report of September 19, 2020, 11:20 am: Madrid / Paris / Rome – Many countries in Europe have faced a rapid increase New corona infections he hardened his measurements. France reported more than 13,200 new cases in 24 hours on Friday, the highest value since the start of the pandemic, and tightened measures in the capital, Paris, among other places. Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris johnson You already spoke of a “second wave”.

Corona in Europe: 4,700 new cases in Spain

For more and more countries, the Federal Foreign Ministry has due to the increasing number of infections Travel advisories pronounced. Spain has been a risk zone for several weeks. The Spanish Ministry of Health has recently registered almost 4,700 new infections in one day (data as of September 18, 2:00 p.m.).

In response, six districts and seven surrounding municipalities are going to slow down in the Spanish capital Madrid as of Monday (9/21). Corona-Pandemie * be partially cordoned off. Then you are only allowed to enter or leave for urgent matters, for example, for work, for visits to the doctor, school or after a subpoena from the judiciary. This was announced by regional president Isabel Ayuso on Friday (September 18). Similar barriers exist in other parts of the country, such as Mallorca.

Crown in France: Minister of Finance infected

Events in France appear to be even more intense. 13,215 The government registered newly confirmed cases on Friday, as can be seen from the official Corona panel. The number is a record in French statistics, the values ​​have never been higher. Like Spain, France is a corona risk area according to the Robert Koch Institute.

Minister of Economy and Finance of France Bruno the mayor has tested positive for coronavirus. He immediately went into domestic isolation in accordance with health regulations. He said he had no symptoms Friday night via Twitter. It will be quarantined for seven days and will continue to perform its duties. There were also many discussions in France about the Tour de France *, which is taking place despite the pandemic.

Britain: Johnson talks ‘second wave’

Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris johnson said on friday he had been a few weeks ago Second wave he warned “and now we see them approaching us.”

Health Minister Matt hancock he told the BBC: “We want to avoid a national blockade, but we are prepared for it.” He noted that the number of Covid-19 patients in British hospitals is currently doubling every eight days.

In much of the northeast of England, new contact restrictions were already imposed on Friday. The rules will be extended to Liverpool and other areas in north-west and central England on Tuesday. Britain is the country with the most fatalities in Europe with 42,000 deaths per crown.

Italy: 1,907 new corona cases

Also in Italy the situation seems to get more difficult. The number of new infections decreases with a value of 1,907 compared to France and Spain, but for Italy this means an approximation of the infection situation in May. As can be seen from the COVID-19 dashboard of the Ministry of Health, the value has not been that high since the spring. On May 1, 1,965 new cases were registered.

Last Monday (September 14) the Italian opened schools finally its doors for children and young people again. For about two-thirds of school-age children, classes started again on Monday after a break of more than six months. The country closed its schools because of the corona pandemic on March 5, and they no longer closed in any other European country. Due to the spread of the virus, strict precautionary and protective measures are applied when starting school.

Israel: nationwide crown blockade goes into effect

In IsraelWhere one of the highest infection rates in the world was recorded in the past two weeks, another nationwide occurred on Friday a few hours before the Jewish New Year celebrations Crown-Lockdown in force. Schools and most stores are closed for three weeks. This means that the blockade beyond the Rosh Hashanah New Year also applies during the Yom Kippur and Sukkot holidays.

The World Health Organization (WHO) described the number of deaths worldwide as unacceptably high this week. The number of deaths is not growing exponentially, but 50,000 deaths per week is “an immensely high number,” said WHO emergency coordinator Michael Ryan. “That’s not where we want to be.” More than 30 million corona infections have already been detected worldwide, and around 950,000 people have died.

German biotech company Biontech * is a long way off developing a corona * vaccine and is planning something spectacular in the fight against coronavirus. In the meantime, experts recommend a simple home remedy that will help prevent the spread. Virologist Christian Drosten warns of a worsening situation for the crown in Germany. (lb with dpa and afp) * is part of the Ippen digital network

Rubric: © Clara Margais / dpa / picture alliance
