Michael Kretschmer: “The fact that Maas is going crazy is not a good sign for this country”


Germany Prime Minister of Saxony

“The fact that Maas is going crazy is not a good sign for this country.”

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“The contributions that have been made have nothing to do with education”

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas criticizes Russia’s unwillingness to provide information in the case of poisoned Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny. Instead, according to Maas, there are “dubious transfers to the Charité.”

In the debate on how to deal with Russia, Saxon Prime Minister Kretschmer criticized Foreign Minister Maas. Speak up for completing Nord Stream 2 and announce a trip to Russia.

SAxes Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) attacked the federal government for its course in Russian politics. There should be no attempt to change the escalation with Russia even further, Kretschmer said Saturday at the Thuringia state CDU party conference in Erfurt.

Regarding the actions of Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), Kretschmer said that Maas “is so crazy, it is not a good drawing for this country. Maas had spoken of indications that the Kremlin might be behind the poison attack on Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

The Saxon prime minister spoke in favor of clarifying the circumstances behind the Navalny poisoning. That’s one side. However, on the other hand, the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline must be completed. Kretschmer announced that he would visit Russia in December. Of course, it will also address compliance with human rights.

Merz is to complete

East German presiding ministers voted unanimously in favor of the completion of the gas pipeline on Friday. The project is important for the energy supply of the future in Germany and Europe, he said in a document they unanimously approved at a meeting in Berlin. However, they did not make a formal decision.

CDU politician Friedrich Merz also wants the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to be completed, but at the same time wants to impose a moratorium. “I think we should build it to the end,” said the CDU presidential candidate at a Junge Union Niedersachsen event in Hildesheim on Saturday. Merz linked this to the demand that a two-year moratorium be imposed.

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Handout - 15.09.2020, Berlin: The children (not pictured) of the Russian Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny take a selfie with Navalny and his wife Julia at the bedside in the Charite.  The image was posted on Instagram under the link https://www.instagram.com/navalny/ (repeat with a different image detail - best possible quality) Photo: Daria Nawalny / private / Instagram / dpa - ATTENTION: Only for Editorial use in relation to the current report and only with a full mention of previous credits +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

The EU and Russia could agree on how to treat each other in the future, he said in view of the Navalny poisoning. You can’t just ignore it. Germany’s energy supply is not dependent on Nord Stream 2. “We must not rely too much on our energy supply, neither on the Americans nor on Russian natural gas.

The head of the Lower Saxony CDU, Bernd Althusmann, also called for a tougher line towards Moscow. “Russia is destabilizing Europe. We are wisely advised to be independent in general from Russia and Russian gas supplies. ”
