Corona: Munich is now a hotspot – critical border torn – Reiter talks about measures and probably scared


The trend was clear, now it’s official: Munich has passed the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 residents and is now a crown hotspot.

  • Vortex around the evaluation of the Corona numbers for Munich: The original Seven-day incidence It is low.
  • Why is that? The currently communicated Statistics it is based on an outdated population of the city. Mayor Dieter Reiterwho has acted is furious.
  • The city of Munich is now officially a Corona hotspot.
  • In our news ticker we follow the development of the pandemic in the Isar metropolis.

Update September 19 at 8:59 am: Theresienwiese is on the morning of originally planned Oktoberfest begins it remained largely empty. While in the first Oktoberfest Saturday one 8.00 a. M. in the morning usually that Race by places It had already been largely settled on one of the tents, the area was largely quiet at this time on Saturday. Oktoberfest falls this year due to the Corona-Pandemie outside.

Updated September 19 at 8:35 am: “Ozapft it is!”, Is the motto this Saturday in many Munich inns – and mayor – despite Corona Dieter Reiter (SPD) that’s why he admonishes them Hosts: “Always pay attention to compliance with your protection and hygiene concept: mask requirement, distance requirement and all other requirements of the Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance. Above all, you have it in your own hands, more restrictions through the necessary sensitivity and attention, “Reiter said aloud. dpa.

With an urgent appeal, the mayor takes action against fears that he could be particularly savage on this symbolic day when Oktoberfest would have opened. Also the Munich and municipal economic advisor Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner appealed to me Bavarian broadcasting: “Go to the pub of your choice, either at home or in Munich, don’t go to Oktoberfest, celebrate in the pub, that’s better.” Anyone who consumes or sells alcohol in the Theresienwiese get caught, must with one penalty fee calculate.

For fear of possible wild Oktoberfest parties, apply on a Saturday Alcohol ban. A large number of those who were willing to have fun had met in advance via social media Parties Appointed to meet at Theresienwiese. The best court in the city in view of the high number of corona infections (see original report) an urgent appeal to the people of Munich, the Wiesn area Stay away.

Dieter Reiter (SPD)

© Tobias Hase / dpa

Munich now Corona hotspot: Critical value exceeded – Reiter threatens specific measures

Update September 18, 8:07 pm: Tomorrow the WirtshausWiesn starts in 54 restaurants in Munich, celebrities tap in many places and at the same time Munich breaks the value 50 in the incidence of 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants. A value that should actually automatically result in a consistent constraint concept. At least that was the agreement between the Chancellor and the country’s leaders in May of this year. Read a ranking here: What the current situation means for the new Corona Hotspot Munich, how the numbers will be evaluated and what’s next now

Update, 5:13 pm: Second Mayor Katrin Habenschaden (Greens) also speaks. On Monday, the Corona crisis team will talk about new steps. Until then, there is no reason to panic, “but the situation is dire.”

Update, 4:05 pm: After the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 Resident was torn, the mayor has now spoken. One will first take further Wait for the development on the weekendthen to discuss the measures on Monday (September 21). All regulations remain in effect until then. Only that Mask requirement for 5th grade students it remains.

Corona in Munich: city topples border – concrete restrictions threaten

If he Confirm trend, there are already concrete considerations appropriate measures: “If the trend continues and the number of infections continues to rise, more measures will have to be considered. This includes, for example Reduction in the number of people for private celebrations of 100 to 50 people indoors and 200 to 100 people outdoors. Also one Extension of the blocking period We discuss. About these measurements: Reduction in the number of people for private celebrations“Extension of the lockdown period. We will consult the crisis team again on Monday when the weekend figures are available,” Reiter said.

Munich tears crown border: Reiter talks about concrete measures

Further away appealed to the mayor of Munichbe attentive and careful. Compliance with the rules is of great importance, said Mayor Dieter Reiter.

Update, 2:25 pm: In Munich, 141 new corona cases were reported by Thursday, September 17 (at 11:59 pm). So far, a total of 10,454 infections have been confirmed in the state capital. This figure includes 8,814 people who have already recovered and 223 deaths.

the 7-day incidence because Munich is 50.70. In order to Munich exceeds the limit than 50 new infections per 100,000 population. It is not yet clear how the city will act. If the value is exceeded, drastic restrictions are planned such as the closure of schools and daycare centers. Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter had already warned about appropriate measures in Munich.

Update September 18, 10:57 am: the Mask requirement for all Bavarians student Starting from the fifth grade, as planned, ends today Friday. “The nine days of a special mask requirement … made sense,” the education minister said. Michael Piazolo (Free voters) on Friday in Munich.

After almost two weeks of lessons, he said danger by Return travel it is no longer administered to the same extent as at the beginning of the school year. Therefore, the general obligation to wear a daily mask is no longer necessary from next week. However, depending on the Infection process on site, at any time locally. (dpa)

Crown Munich: confusion over numbers – OB Reiter buckles RKI

Original notification of September 18: Munich – chaos around the Crown numbers in Munich *: The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the State Office of Public Health (LGL) put in the calculation of the Seven-day incidence based on an elderly population. The base is the value of the Federal Statistical Office as of December 31, 2018: 1.47 million. In fact, as of July 31, 2020, the city already had 1.56 million inhabitants, that is, 90,000 more.

Crown numbers in Munich: this is the seven-day “real” incidence – OB Reiter rages

the 7-day true incidence – it says that the number of new cases reported per 100,000 inhabitants during the last seven days – would be less than the 47.6 reported on Thursday. If this value is greater than 50, there could be restrictions in public life. A large number of new infections * were also reported Thursday with 151 corona cases.

According to an LGL spokesperson, there is one Population update planned. But you can’t say when. It’s not the only inconsistency: the RKI reported 324 new cases on Thursday, and suddenly the value reported by the Koch Institute jumped from 34.0 to 47.6 overnight. Mayor Dieter Reiter complains: “At last there must be clarity about the discrepancy in the numbers.”

Woman during corona test: In Munich there is a great stir about the correct evaluation of the number of infections.

© Moritz Frankenberg / dpa

Covid-19 patients in Munich: the current state of the city’s hospitals

While cases are skyrocketing, the coronavirus is currently not as serious a problem medically * as it was in the previous course of the pandemic. The last Death in Munich dated August 10. She was the only person who died in the last two months. All of the other 222 coronavirus-related deaths occurred from March to mid-July. At that time, around 7,100 infections were confirmed, now there are 10,311 (according to RKI 10,324).

However, currently few infected people become seriously ill. One reason: the average age of recently reported cases has dropped significantly. Reports from the Munich Clinic consistently low treatment numbers. At the end of July there were eleven in the five locations Patients with Covid-19 provided. There are currently 15, four of them in the intensive care unit. At the peak in mid-April, there were 200 sick people. When asked, the clinic’s spokesman, Raphael Diecke, said: “Our experts assume that the number of patients will increase slightly again.” * is an offer from Ippen Digital Network
