Munich as the first Corona hotspot in the German city: which measures are already in place and which are threatened


The city of 1.5 million Munich was the first major German city to exceed 50 in the 7-day incidence and is now officially a corona hotspot. So it continues now.

  • Munich * is the first city with more than one million inhabitants to exceed the 50-case mark in the 7-day incidence *. For every 100,000 inhabitants, more than 50 people are infected with the coronavirus per day on average weekly *.
  • Mayor Dieter Reiter * has now mentioned the first consequences and outlined the next steps.
  • Meanwhile, the Munich hosts are starting the “Wirtshaus Wiesn” *, which is almost full.

Munich – “The situation is serious,” says Munich. 2nd Mayor Katrin Habenschaden (Greens). “We all have to be even more vigilant now,” he says. Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD). Other than that, no new measures are planned other than the mask requirement in class beginning in 5th grade. For now. (You can find an overview of existing measures and bans, as well as impending restrictions, in the article below.)

Corona: Munich breaks the 50 threshold at 7-day incidence, what does that mean?

For classification: What happened today? Today (Friday 18 September), Munich is the first metropolis in Germany to reach the 50 mark. 7-day incidence per 100,000 inhabitantsr broken. Courage is important. Because it makes new corona infections in all German city districts and districts so easy to compare and because it includes not just daily values, but a whole week. And among the megacities of Germany, Munich is the sad leader. For comparison: in Sedan the value is currently around 18 in Hamburg at 17 and on Suburb at 21.

Even the reproduction number 1.41 cannot please those responsible in the Munich City Hall. Currently 100 Munich residents infect 141.

At the same time, the value is now for Munich should not be evaluated differently than, for example, Garmisch-Partenkirchen. In other words: It doesn’t matter if the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district, Kulmbach or the Munich metropolis break the 50, because the value says the same everywhere.

Corona hotspot Munich: threshold of 50 cases actually requires specific restrictions, actually

And yet it was established as a major milestone by the federal and state governments in May. Literally:

“From some relevance, a regional dynamic with a high number of new infections and a rapid increase in the infection rate must be achieved. immediately on site with Restrictions answered. Therefore, the federal states will ensure that in counties or urban districts with accumulated more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days immediately a consistent constraint concept it is implemented with the participation of the responsible state authorities. “

And that actually reads quite clearly. You might think so. However, one in the city hall wants to wait and see how the numbers evolve over the weekend. It is supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Health. An excess “does not activate an automatic mechanism to immediately issue general contact or exit restrictions,” an SZ spokesman said. You can see how different the reading of such a decision is.

WirtshausWiesn in Corona Munich hotspot: Reiter threatens hosts

So it remains with the existing alcohol bans in the nerve centers of the party in Munich and tomorrow at the same time (Saturday 19 September) the start of the “WirtshausWiesn *” will be celebrated. Reiter he just admonishes the hosts very, very clearly:

“Make sure the music is always background music and that your guests also comply with the infection protection rules. Not only at the beginning, but also after the second Oktoberfest beer shot. “

“In view of the current incidence of more than 50 days in 7 days, the strict requirements of protection against infections apply more than ever. The district administration department and the police will carry out intensive checks, especially during the Wirtshaus-Wiesn, and will punish any infraction in a systematic way. “

Reiter’s colleague in another German metropolis, namely Mayor Henriette Reker in Cologne, sounds very different. Think out loud about contact restrictions. After all, you have to do everything “to avoid another blockage.”

The schools also remain open, only with Maintain the mask requirement in class beginning in fifth grade.. The same is true for daycare centers, daycare centers, and other care facilities. Apart from that, these measures are already in effect:

Corona hotspot Munich: these measures are already in effect

The weekend of September 18 (9:00 p.m.) to September 20 (6:00 a.m.) In Munich there is a temporary ban on alcohol in the following public places:

  • Baldeplatz
  • Gärtnerplatz
  • Gerner Bridge
  • Isar floodplain between Reichenbachbrücke and Wittelsbacherbrücke
  • Wedekindplatz
  • Theresienwiese on Saturday (September 19) from 9 a.m. to 6 a.m. the next day

Corona hotspot Munich: these measures could continue if the number of infections continues to rise

If the value 50 still stands on Monday, or even continues to rise, Dieter Reiter has already described the following measures today:

  • Reduction of the number of people for private celebrations from 100 to 50 people indoors
  • and 200 to 100 people outdoors
  • Extension of the blocking period

next Munich (50.70) Currently also registers the city of Bavaria Würzburg (70.38), the city Kaufbeuren (61.51), the county Garmisch-Partenkirchen (58.78) and the Kulmbach District (50.11) critically high infection rates. In the Würzburg hotspot, the rules for gastronomy were adapted to the revised Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance on Friday. Specifically, this means: Restaurants in the center of Würzburg can now only serve alcohol until 10 pm instead of 11 pm It is still possible to dispense non-alcoholic food and drinks afterwards.

* It is part of the Ippen-Dgitial publishing network nationwide. The department of tz. Munich keeps you informed about everything that happens in the capital of the state of Bavaria.
