Navalny’s team on poisoning: “The bottle was probably not the source of the poison” – politics


According to his team, Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was poisoned in his hotel room in the Siberian city of Tomsk. There was a bottle of water there, in which traces of the neurotoxin Novichok were later found, according to a video published on Nawalny’s Instagram account on Thursday.

But: “The bottle was probably not the source of the poison,” Georgij Alburow, an employee of the Navalny anti-corruption foundation, said Thursday night on his YouTube channel. “Navalny only drank from it, then traces of the poison were found in the bottle.”

Georgy Alburov and other employees searched the Kremlin critic’s room after learning of his poisoning. “Our first thought was: he has been poisoned. Aleksey is a very healthy person who doesn’t just go into a coma, “said Alburov.
The plastic bottle, in which Novichok’s traces could later be found, is now proof that Navalny was poisoned at the hotel. His team tried to view the surveillance camera recordings, which the hotel management prohibited. Alburov criticized: “The police monitored Aleksei Navalny’s every step and now they also have the videos of the hotel surveillance cameras. And what do you do with it? Nothing.”

For Navalny’s team, it has now been shown that Navalny was poisoned before leaving the hotel in Tomsk. Faced with allegations of an assassination attempt, Moscow had recently alleged that Navalny might not have been poisoned until after his departure. The Kremlin stressed several times that Russian doctors could not have found any symptoms of poisoning.

The leader of the Russian opposition collapsed on August 20 on a domestic flight that took off from Tomsk. He was then transferred to Berlin for treatment.

While Russian authorities said they found no poison at Navalny, an analysis commissioned by the Berlin Charité in a specialized Bundeswehr laboratory, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, determined that the Novitschok group was “unequivocally” poisoned. This poison was also found in a water bottle in the hotel room, Navalny’s team writes.

Navalny staff gathered evidence

This is the wording of the statement from Nawalny’s team on Instagram:

“Where does the ‘bottle of misfortune’ come from? Let’s explain where it comes from after we have been constantly asked questions. The so-called ‘Bottle with Novitschok’, a normal plastic bottle of water in which a German laboratory later found traces of a war agent The bottle is from the Tomsk hotel room where Navalny and our entire team stayed.

We go back to August 20. That day part of our team flew to Moscow and part stayed in Tomsk to complete a video. During the flight, Alexei lost consciousness and began to pant, the plane had to make an emergency landing. Staff who had remained in Tomsk immediately learned of the incident. At that moment the only thing possible was done. They called a lawyer, entered the room Navalny previously occupied, and began to collect, describe, and pack everything they found there. Including bottles with hotel water.

You can see how that was done in the video. There wasn’t much hope of discovering something like that. But since we were absolutely clear that Navalny had not only ‘gotten a little sick’, she was not ‘overheated’ and Rafaello would not help us here, it was decided that everything that could at leastally be useful in some way to the doctors.

The fact that the case would not be investigated in Russia was pretty obvious either. And so it happened: a month passed and Russia did not recognize Alexeis poisoning. Two weeks later, a German laboratory found traces of Novichok on this very bottle from the Tomsk hotel room. And then three more labs that ran tests confirmed that Navalny was poisoned with it. Now we understand it: it happened before he left his room to go to the airport. “
Here you can see the video showing the scenes in the hotel room in Tomsk:

The participation of Russian researchers in the surveys had previously been excluded from the Navalny environment. Once again, the federal government asked Moscow to explain Navalny’s poisoning with a banned chemical warfare agent “immediately,” as deputy government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer put it.

Navalny has been treated at the Charité since August 22. He was in an artificial coma for weeks. He’s doing better now.

OPCW Chemical Weapons Experts Examine Navalny Samples

To clarify the processes, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is now having biomedical samples from the allegedly poisoned person examined by experts and will inform German authorities of the results. The Hague-based organization announced Thursday.

For the OPCW’s technical secretariat investigations, its own team of experts independently collected samples from Navalny, said the organization, which is also owned by Russia.

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The OPCW was activated by the federal government, which, according to its own statements, believes that it has been unequivocally proven after investigations in a special Bundeswehr laboratory that Navalny was poisoned by the military agent Novichok. Special laboratories in France and Sweden had also found a neurotoxin warfare agent from the Novitschok group as the cause of the poisoning.

The federal government had declared that the poisoning was not a case between Germany and Russia, but a violation of the chemical weapons agreement. The OPCW is responsible for its control. (rtr / dpa)
