ARD-DeutschlandTrend: Large majority for the admission of refugees


Am ARD Germany trend 87 percent of respondents are in favor of accepting refugees from the burned-out Moria camp. About half of them put as a condition that there be a distribution at European level.

A large majority of Germans are in favor of accepting people from the burning Greek refugee camp of Moria. This is the result of the Germany Trend am ARD morning magazine. Consequently, four out of ten eligible voters (43 percent) believe that Germany should definitely host refugees from Moria. Forty-four percent think that refugees from the destroyed camp should only be admitted on condition that EU states agree to a European-wide distribution of those seeking help. Every tenth person is against acceptance in principle.

Most of the supporters of the Greens and the Left support the unconditional acceptance of the refugees from Moria. Supporters of the Union parties favor admission as part of a European solution. Supporters of the SPD and the FDP are divided on the issue.

The look at the AfD is also interesting. On Friday, his member of the Bundestag Gottfried Curio described the refugees in Moria as “arsonists” and categorically rejected admission. The mood among his party’s supporters is not so clear: half of AfD supporters would support acceptance as part of a European solution. Four out of ten AfD supporters, on the other hand, do not want to accept Moria refugees in Germany. So far, the federal government plans to bring 1,553 refugees from five Greek islands to Germany.


ARD Germany trend in the morning magazine

Two-thirds for football matches with a limited number of spectators

Am Germany Trend This time, the question was also raised as to how viewers rate Bundesliga games. At the start of the season, the federal and state governments agreed that stadiums could once again be filled with soccer fans by up to 20 percent despite the corona pandemic. In the opening match of the Bundesliga between FC Bayern and FC Schalke tomorrow Friday, however, this regulation cannot yet be implemented because the city of Munich has decided against spectators due to the increasing number of infections.

According to the survey, two-thirds of Germans (63 percent) want matches to take place again in the stadium with a limited number of fans. 7 percent can even imagine that the stadiums will be fully occupied after the summer break. A quarter (23 percent), on the other hand, prefer football matches without spectators in stadiums.

Greens and leftists are on Sunday’s topic

If there were general elections on Sunday, the Union would be noisy Germany Trend to 36 percent of the vote. The Greens would be the second strongest force at 20 percent. 16 percent would opt for the SPD and 10 percent for the AfD. The left would get 8 percent of the vote, the FDP 5 percent. Overall, the Union government coalition and the SPD would receive 52 percent of the vote.

Compared to Germany Trend Starting September 3, the Greens and the Left will each earn one percentage point. However, the SPD and the FDP each lose one percentage point. The proportion of votes for the Union and the AfD remains unchanged.

Research facility

Population: Eligible voters in Germany
Shows: Representative random selection / dual frame (fixed and mobile network sample)
Collection procedure: Telephone interviews (CATI)
Number of cases: 1,051 eligible voters
Survey period: September 15-16, 2020
Weighing: according to sociodemographic characteristics
Sunday question with separate weighting
Fault tolerance: 1.4 * to 3.1 ** percentage points
Execution Institute: infratest dimap

* with a 5 percent share value ** with a 50 percent share value
