Joko gets very angry with Klaas, then uses a secret code


Klaas Heufer-Umlauf on Tuesday night on a trucker mission in “Joko and Klaas against ProSieben”. Image: ProSieben screenshot

Joko Winterscheidt gets very mad at Klaas on the show, then uses a secret code

After losing to their boss in the last episode of “Joko and Klaas against ProSieben” in a “sad attempt to win the final” (quote from Steven Gätjen), the two namesakes of the new episode had to be punished directly on Tuesday by the night. disassemble. Because his home broadcaster and the court had changed the name of the program to “Not und Elend gegen ProSieben” and carried out the rebrand consistently, including the logo and inserts.

With more urgency, Joko and Klaas wanted to win the second episode of the new season. If they beat the station, they would wait 15 minutes of live broadcast time to freely spend. If they lose, they face (again) draconian punishment.

No, Elend and Steven Gätjen (vl). Image: screenshot Prosieben

Game 1: persevere

The show got off to a promising start with THE cult discipline of Joko and Klaas, Pardon, Not und Elend. And ProSieben had come up with the prettiest games to “hang on to,” accompanied by degrading music. Winterscheidt had to hang from a chin-up bar made of sandpaper, while Heufer-Umlauf donned sweatpants without hands. And it was also possible to go to the cold room. Beautiful! Probably the worst task of the night had caught Joko, who had to have a specially built machine pull up her underwear. But the two fought bravely, the first round of the night was for the entertainers.

Intermediate result: 1-0 for Joko and Klaas.

Game 2: About gangs

A match for everyone at the forefront of paper ball tossing at the Office Olympics – the two had to use a gang against footballer René Adler and musician Evil Jared to put paper from different distances into a trash can. He then moved on to the counter, known to be a second home for media people. The task was to let a glass of beer slide over the band as far as possible. But Joko and Klaas had too much flavor for the Tacheles counter, the glass broke. No points for the duo!

Intermediate score: 1: 1.

Game 3: The Second Stunt Ticket

Fans of the show could look forward to another comeback after “holding on”: The Giraffe and Diavolo Piccolo were back! As a reminder: Joko and Klaas had done their stunt license under this fight name last season. However, only for the car and therefore that of the truck must also be spent that night. The two of them had to master two of the three challenges to pass and each of them fell into the “Kids, don’t try this at home” category. For the first task, Joko was supposed to sit at the dinner table, Klaas, who at first couldn’t even find the truck’s ignition, was supposed to drive towards his friend at a good 30 kilometers per hour, who then quickly and flat under him at the last moment. put the truck down and let it run you over (in the safe space between the wheels, notice).

But Joko jumped off the table and ran away just before Klaas could roll the colossus straight towards him. So this point was in vain. Klaas was not impressed by Joko’s reaction, who at the time had probably preferred his life to a pinch, and explained with a frozen look, “I’m not angry. I’m just madly disappointed.”

But: The other challenges – jumping out of the moving truck and saving a family of ducklings from being run over – were mastered by the truckers with great success.

Intermediate score: 2: 1 for Joko and Klaas.

Game 4: I came, saw nothing and won

In a mix of “blind cow” and “flag stealing,” the two had to prove themselves against a team of celebrities. The task: steal a ProSieben flag attached to the opponent’s back in a marked playing area with a blindfold and headphones. Joko and Klaas ran, they could decide the game for themselves.

Intermediate score: 3: 1 for Joko and Klaas.

Game 5: Fire Department – and Joko gets very angry

If you want to really experience Joko Winterscheidt (seriously), it is advisable to stream the replay of this game: Hanging from a crane controlled by Klaas, Joko must take water and sand with a large extinguishing bag and put out several fires. But Klaas was so clumsy with handling the crane that Joko was mostly thrown through the air and never quite put out the fire. He then used the keyword “Alabama” with which the two signaled that they really had had enough and that the fun was over, as Klaas revealed to Frank Elstner in an interview a few months ago. At that time he declared:

Joko hovered in the air like a human firefighting plane. Image: ProSieben screenshot

He continued to rumble against his friend: “Don’t let your hatred on me pulling me like this!” But as hard as Klaas tried, they couldn’t put out the fires or win this game.

Intermediate score: 3: 2 for Joko and Klaas.

Game 6: I get stuck

And he was allowed to play again: Joko and Klaas had to glue various objects to a table in the most creative way possible in the battle against Micky Beisenherz and Katrin Bauerfeind. In addition to the glasses tape, strips of wax and plasticine were also used.

Final result: 4: 2 for Joko and Klaas, who thus had obtained 4 advantages for the grand final.

The end

Joko and Klaas were supported by Frank Tonmann, better known from the Joko & Klaas universe. Together they had to solve a puzzle in a few minutes in which each had to assign an outfit (Sheldon Cooper T-shirt, Scrubs apron, Elton jacket), an activity and a location. It sounds complicated, but … they did it!

And we all know what that means: Wednesday night, Joko and Klaas get their 15 minutes of silly freedom again.


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