Team Releases Video: Navalny Apparently Poisoned In Hotel Room


New findings in the case of Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny: His team now claims to have found evidence that the opposition was actually poisoned in Russia. They posted a corresponding video on Instagram.

According to his team, Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny has been shown to have already been poisoned in Russia, in a hotel in the Siberian city of Tomsk. The poison is said to have been administered to him in a bottle of mineral water in his room. Nawalny’s team showed a video on Instagram
of bottles of “Svyatoj Istochnik” (“Holy Spring”).

His co-workers emphasized that it was now proven that Navalny had already been poisoned on Russian soil. It is said that he was killed with a neurotoxin from the Novitschok group, which is prohibited as a chemical weapon. The federal government blames Russia for this. Moscow denies having anything to do with the case. According to Chancellor Angela Merkel, an analysis commissioned by the Berlin Charité in a specialized Bundeswehr laboratory determined that the Novitschok group was poisonous. Two other special laboratories in France and Sweden have now confirmed the findings.

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) also had Navalny examine biomedical samples. German authorities will be informed of the results, the Hague-based organization said. The OPCW experts independently collected samples from Nawalny for the investigations.

Employees get the tests themselves

Navalny’s team explained in the video that a German laboratory had detected traces of Novichok on the water bottle. The excerpt shows how Nawalny employees, despite warnings from a hotel employee, collected all possible evidence in the room with gloves and put it in plastic bags. They decided to take the plunge, immediately after receiving news of Navalny’s health, he said. The employees also announced in the video that they would reveal more details on the Kremlin critic’s YouTube channel at 7pm German time.

Navalny had collapsed on August 20 from a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. Because of this, the plane landed in Omsk. Navalny was placed in an artificial coma at the hospital and ventilated. On August 22, he was flown to Germany, where he is being treated at the Charité in Berlin.

The 44-year-old is a little better now. On Tuesday, he for the first time sent a brief sign of life to his political followers via Instagram and showed himself with his family. La Charité also reported that Navalny no longer needs to be ventilated and may temporarily leave his sickbed. His health has continued to improve and he is increasingly mobilizing.
