What are the consequences of the super spreader?


September 16, 2020 – 9:34 am Clock

The Superspreader is said to have infected many people with Corona.

A young woman is said to have infected numerous people in Garmisch-Partenkirchen with the corona virus. She went out to party knowing she could be a risk to others That is why Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is now calling for consequences for the alleged perpetrator. “Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a model case of unreason,” he said in a press release. “This is not only annoying, but it is also a time to pause again and think hard.” Careless behavior must have consequences, so health authorities are now examining whether a fine can be imposed. Now, apparently, the prosecutor is also investigating.

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The Munich II prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation against the alleged “super spreader” from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, reports the “Münchener Merkur”. “Suspicion of negligent personal injury” was the subject of the investigation, according to Attorney General Andrea Mayer.

Interior Minister Herrmann denounces cruelty

A 26-year-old is said to have infected several people with Corona in Garmisch.

The 26-year-old American is said to have moved through various bars in Garmisch despite the quarantine requirement.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) also demanded a hefty fine for the alleged perpetrator in an RTL interview. “This behavior was simply inconsiderate towards the people who are at home in Garmisch-Partenkirchen,” the minister said. “The woman obviously knew there was a suspicion of an infection. She was asked to quarantine.” Now she awaits a fine and it will also be checked whether criminal investigations against the woman should be initiated.

“If we only circumvent quarantine measures or do not comply with them, there will be fines under the Infection Protection Act, of up to 25,000 euros, by the way,” said legal expert Arndt Kempgens when asked by RTL. If it turns out that the woman has infected other people, there are other consequences, namely a preliminary investigation into bodily harm, according to the legal expert. In that case, it is even possible to be sentenced to prison.

Was she infected on vacation in Greece?

The Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in Garmisch

The alleged superspreader lives and works at the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort Garmisch, a resort and recreation center for the United States armed forces.

The responsible district office assumes the outbreak is due to a so-called super spreader. A 26-year-old American is said to have wandered through various pubs in the market town at the foot of the Zugspitze, infecting several people in the process. The woman is said to have returned from a holiday in Greece in late August and soon after complained of a sore throat. “The lady had symptoms, she was with us at the test station and was asked to remain in quarantine due to symptoms. But she did not do that,” said district office spokesman Stephan Scharf.

The young woman is said to have visited the Irish pub and the “Peaches” cocktail bar with colleagues, where a karaoke party was held. The next day, she got a positive result from her corona test. “We don’t know where it got infected,” Scharf said. The 26-year-old lives and works in Garmisch-Partenkirchen at the “Edelweiss Lodge and Resort”, a vacation and recreation facility of the United States armed forces. On the company’s home page, it is already indicated that the facility is currently closed because several employees have contracted Covid-19.
