Seehofer on Refugee Admission: “It Will Work Out Well”


Federal Interior Minister Seehofer defended the federal government’s decision to accept 1,500 refugees. During a poll in the Bundestag, earlier there was criticism between parties.

After the decision to take in another 1,500 refugee children and adults from the Greek islands in Germany, the federal interior minister, Horst Seehofer, defended himself from criticism. “So far I am the only Interior Minister in Europe who has proposed a solution for the human response,” said the CSU politician in a questioning before the Bundestag.

Germany will not be overwhelmed, so Seehofer. There is a high probability that this year the limit of 100,000 asylum seekers will not be exceeded. Humanitarian actions are possible because greater limitation and control would have prevented further immigration.

Creation of a European asylum system

Seehofer responded to the accusations from the AfD ranks. His deputy Gottfried Curio said: “The aim of the arsonists is to extort the ticket from Germany.” The interior minister replied that the admission decision was not comparable to the opening of the border in 2015. There is now a clear agreement with Greece for an orderly procedure in which the identity of those seeking protection is verified. “That will be fine,” Seehofer said.

The CSU politician also continues to hope for a “future European asylum system that will last for many years.” This is a “Herculean task,” the interior minister said. He described the current migration policy of the EU as “miserable”.

Seehofer: Lesbos was “a size mistake”

Seehofer emphasized that what the EU had delivered so far regarding the right to asylum was “poor”. In addition, he stressed that the great Lesbos camp “was a mistake in size from the beginning.” Going forward, a rule of law should be established at the EU’s external borders as to who needs protection. There must be a distribution mechanism and cooperation with the refugees’ countries of origin must be “substantially improved”. Development assistance is also required. The EU Commission wants to present proposals for a common asylum policy on September 30.

With a view to municipalities and federal states that want to host more refugees than is provided by the distribution key, Seehofer said this could be discussed at a conference of interior ministers. But it should also be clear that municipalities and states cannot receive additional financial resources from the federal government.

Germany accepts a total of 2,800 asylum seekers

Greens and leftists called on the federal government to help all the refugees from Moria. The more than 12,000 refugees would have to be quickly brought from the island of Lesbos and distributed within the EU, according to Greens MP Luise Amtsberg.

The federal government decided on Tuesday that Germany would accept 1,553 refugees from 408 families already recognized as beneficiaries. The federal government had also announced that up to 150 minor asylum seekers would be admitted. In addition, the admission of 243 children in need of treatment and their main families is already being implemented. This is expected to affect a total of 1000 people, of which more than 500 are already in Germany. The total number of refugees in Germany is about 2,800.
