Status: 16.09.2020 1:36 pm

The head of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Assistance in Disaster Cases should, according to information from RBB be fired. Interior Minister Seehofer decided that. The reason is breakdowns on the warning day of last week.

After the breakdown on the national warning day last week, the president of the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) will be replaced. According to information from radio rbb info Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer decided.

Late warning

There were technical problems on the day of the alert: Sirens and other warning systems were supposed to go off across the country at eleven o’clock last Thursday. Among other things, the test warning should be done through radio and television, as well as through warning applications such as the Nina application. In many places sirens went off at eleven o’clock and the media was already broadcasting the warning.

The official BBK warning and the test alarm in the warning apps did not occur until half an hour later. BBK president Christoph Unger admitted the deficits, the Federal Interior Ministry described the test alarm as “failed”. Politicians from the FDP and the Greens are now calling for the test to be repeated.

Seehofer: “Fundamental changes”

Seehofer had then stated that the consequences of the belatedly distributed test alarm would be a matter for the boss. “We have to reorganize it completely, I will take care of that personally,” Seehofer said in Berlin last Friday. The responsibility lies with BBK, he said. However, it can be assumed “that fundamental changes will be made in all directions.”

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