Crown “super spreader” at GAP: District administrator at press conference with stunning statement


  • Katharina haase

    ofKatharina haase


A 26-year-old boy infected with the corona virus became a super spreader in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The current situation has now been reported at a press conference.

  • In Garmisch-Partenkirchen a person infected with Corona * (26) infected several people.
  • Therefore, the market community had to again take tougher measures.
  • Now there is a press conference on the current situation.

Update, 8:11 pm: Speer’s first report that the infected were a German and two Americans was reviewed directly after the press conference at the scene: they are affected definitely three German citizens – two Garmisch-Partenkirchners and one Bad Kohlgruber.

Update, 2:28 pm: the Corona infection events in Garmisch-Partenkirchen seems to be under control for the time being, as the district administrator’s words indicate. Almost every Nine infections they are in quarantine Edelweiss-Resort to be recorded. However, it is not certain that the 26-year-old is really “patient zero” and therefore solely responsible for the increase in Infection process it is.

With positive hope but also with everyone Attention the further infection process should now be clearly observed in the next few days. In addition, all residents of the market community – especially young people, people involved in nightlife – to voluntary corona tests called.

After the crown increase in GAP: District administrator thanks all helpers and then announces important appeal

Update 2:23 pm: In conclusion, the district administrator confirms Anton Speer its hopethat of the 300 remaining tests on Monday (September 14) no more positive results are expected. These should be available on Tuesday afternoon. Of the tourism and the Look Garmisch-Partenkirchen district should not suffer further damage.

Speer thanks everyone who went to prior prevention the other Spread of the coronavirus They have contributed to the city market. He directed his to young people who had already taken the test despite the long waiting times. Special thanks and pays them “respect”.

Corona infections in GAP: New cases almost all in a US resort.

Update 2:17 pm: How Speer He also reports that there has been no direct contact with the 26-year-old. So she has yet to comment on her behavior. the Infection process It is currently limited primarily to US facilities. Edelweiss Resorts. However, it cannot be ruled out that there are also other people responsible for the increase in Infection numbers they are responsible.

GAP Crown Scandal: Sometimes Fake Names and Addresses Make Tracking Difficult

Live shows are particularly difficult Ways of infection understand, since the Registration in bars also partially fake names and phone numbers were given. About 70 percent of the information is assumed to be incorrect. “We didn’t even know that Donald trump and Bill gates Recently, we were away from home in the district so often, ”says Hansjörg Wiesböck, director of the Coordination group Corona in the district. Previously they had been very sure that so many papers had been filled out.

Update, 2:14 pm: District Administrator Anton Speer it is positive. “We have everything under control,” he says. The district is no risk zone and Tourists still wanted and welcome. However, bars and restaurants will remain closed at 10 pm “Extreme caution” is required. “The Hygiene’s norm it must be met, ”says Speer.

Super Spreader at GAP – District Administrator Anton Speer Provides Information on Preliminary Test Results

Update, 2:10 pm: People who tested positive are said to be bar service. “Peaches” as well as two visitors one Irish pubs Act. The district administrator calls one urgent appeal especially young people get tested. So far there is no more activities Due to the Infection numbers destined to.

Employees of the Edelweiss-Resort, of those who until now 25 people tested positive They are subordinate to the United States Army, which also conducted the tests there. As for the 26-year-old American who has the Crown-scandal was activated Fiscal turned on and determined due to negligent bodily harm.

Update, 2:06 pm: The update for Corona-Lage gives the district administrator Garmisch-Partenkirchen Anton Speer (FWL). Announce the current 7 day incidence around 55. Of the additional 740 people who were tested last weekend, only three tested positive, but they were directly related to Superspreaderin since Edelweiss Resorts should be standing.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – In Garmisch-Partenkirchen there is one Crown-scandal came. 26 years American, Employees of the, not accessible to tourists Edelweiss-Resort (not to be confused with the other two hotels with “Edelweiss” in their name in the region *) on Zugspitzstrasse, despite knowing her, he had suspected Coronainfektion am night life unburden himself in Garmisch-Partenkirchen *, and soon after experienced a positive test result. *

Super spreader at GAP: Edelweiss Resort employees celebrated despite corona infection

The young woman became like this “Superspreaderin”. So far, more than 710 potential contact persons for the woman have been tested. So far three tests have been submitted positive result, as the image informs.. The woman returned from her vacation in Greece at the end of August. However, it is not clear where it was infected.

After the crown scandal at GAP: press conference on the results of the super spreader

the Garmisch-Partenkirchen market town had to last due to the rapid increase in New infections already to the strictest Crown measurements to return. After the American’s behavior became known, the young men in particular were asked to voluntarily take the test. the Test scores should now be available. Then it might be clear whether the bar crawling of an infected 26-year-old was actually responsible in part for the rapid rise in the number of infections.

The possible “super spreader” is at home in Quarantine. They not only threaten you with a fine for violating quarantine requirements, but also criminal prosecution. Negligent bodily harm.

In a Press conference Preliminary results on the crown situation in Garmisch-Partenkirchen will now be announced. * is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers.

Rubric List List: © Christian Fellner
