Due to infections at home – Kaufbeuren’s largest corona access point


Due to a local coronavirus outbreak at a Hospital Foundation nursing home, Kaufbeuren has exceeded the limit of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 residents in seven days. The 7-day incidence is now 75.18, thus Kaufbeuren has the highest 7-day incidence value in Bavaria.

Currently three hot spots in Bavaria

This was announced by the State Office of Health and Food Safety (LGL). Lord Mayor Stefan Bosse (CSU) talks about the most dramatic infection events across the country.

Three Bavarian regions now exceed the critical value of 50: in the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district the incidence is 55.39 and in the city of Würzburg 69.90. It is highest in Kaufbeuren with 75.18. This means that the city is also at the top nationally, as can be seen from an overview of the Robert Koch Institute.

The fewer residents, the faster the hotspot

According to Bosse, 13 new cases have been reported to the health department. 13 new positive cases, which have an immediate impact on a smaller city. In a city like Kaufbeuren with around 44,000 inhabitants, fewer than 25 new cases in a week are enough to exceed the critical limit.

For comparison: Augsburg, with its around 300,000 inhabitants, would need 150 new cases in a week to be classified as a hotspot. Augsburg is still a long way from that, with its 65 cases in the last 7 days.

Existing rules should suffice

Kaufbeuren hotspot can be clearly reduced to nursing home and old people’s home. There, 30 people tested positive for the corona virus in recent days. A quarantine is applied to these people and their contact persons, who, according to Bosse, could also be easily found. In addition, residents and employees are closely scrutinized there. According to the mayor, this can be used to safely limit the outbreak or infection. In their eyes, it would make no sense now to close schools or kindergartens. So in Kaufbeuren, when it comes to general crown measurements, everything remains the same for the moment.
