Crown “super spreader” in Garmisch: Now the prosecutor is investigating – Söder with a clear statement


State of emergency and media hype in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: After the Corona outbreak, the Edelweiss hotel employees are under quarantine, and an American woman is under observation.

  • A.M Friday night (September 11) A sudden increase in new Corona * infections was known in Garmisch-Partenkirchen *.
  • A U.S. citizen who lives in Hotel Edelweiss in Garmisch-Partenkirchen it works and knowingly ignored the quarantine requirements *.
  • Now there is much more information about the 26-year-old American. Meanwhile, an extensive test offensive has begun in the commercial city.
  • You can find all the news and information about the coronavirus in Bavaria in our current ticker.

“Superspreader” in GAP: now the prosecutor is investigating

Update, September 14, 1:34 pm.: the Munich Prosecutor II have a Preliminary investigation against alleged “super spreader” from Garmisch-Partenkirchen initiated. Attorney General Andrea Mayer said the investigation was conducted on suspicion of negligent bodily harm. Munich Mercury *. If the 26-year-old American is subject to NATO troop status and thus the procedure after a Military jurisdiction must be sent, cannot be said at this time.

Markus Söder on the Corona outbreak in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: “A perfect example of carelessness”

Update, September 14, 1:23 pm: At a current press conference, Markus Söder comments on the crown outbreak in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: “Garmisch-Partenkirchen is an excellent example of irrationality. This carelessness must have consequences ”, Söder clearly positions himself in reference to the events of last weekend.

Original article, September 14, 7:30 am: Garmisch-Partenkirchen – even Melanie Huml would have Anton Speer A.M Sunday (September 13) on the phone. The Bavarian, well known in the days of the Crown Minister of Health (CSU) reported in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. “She asked if we needed backup and offered us help, for example through a mobile test station.” The district administrator refused. “We trust our Red Cross, it has everything under control.” She has “the utmost respect” for the BRK team.

Crown sprout in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Melanie Huml offers help

Corona test station in Garmisch-Partenkirchen – open mouth for smear, even in the car.

© Thomas Sehr

After the crown limit values ​​were exceeded on Friday (September 11), Garmisch-Partenkirchen * and the district also became the focus of supra-regional media. The news even got on the news Hotspot and the call Superspreaderin. What is meant is that 26-year-old Americanwho participated in the nightlife in a highly contagious way, violated a quarantine regulation and is considered to be the origin of the growing number of infected people in the region.

Crown outbreak in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: American (26) is still considered a trigger

In response to this, members of the district’s crown task force drafted a blanket decree following a crisis meeting on Friday night, which night life am Garmisch-Partenkirchen Market by next week it should be significantly limited. Catering establishments are obliged to maintain their Local at 10pm near. In addition, the contact limit has been adjusted to five people, private events are open 50 persons indoors and 100 outdoors.

New information on US citizens: apparently returning from Greece on vacation

Now there is much more information about the American citizen. In fact, it is Employees from the Edelweiss-Resort at Zugspitzstrasse. The woman returns from vacation and had her vacation in Greece spent. “He returned at the end of August, but we don’t know if he was already infected there,” says Stephan Scharf, a press spokesman for the district authority.

Corona outbreak at GAP: US citizen went to test station on September 8

Since his health apparently deteriorated noticeably, he continued September 8 to corona test station in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. “She was already showing symptoms like a sore throat, so she was told that she had to go into quarantine until the test result was available,” Scharf emphasizes. The 26-year-old knowingly ignored this instruction. She had previously been Nightlife in Market City is fun and apparently did it again that same night. The next day I met the Positive result to.

Hotel Edelsweiss in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: 24 employees infected with corona – 70 in quarantine

As is known, the young woman is not the only employee of the Edelweiss Hotelswhat are you with now Covid-19-Errger is infected. It was until saturday 24 employees. This increase also prompted the US authorities in Bavaria to act. On Friday, medical personnel and equipment were airlifted from the Landstuhl (Palatinate) medical center to Garmisch-Partenkirchen. “Those affected are now all in quarantine,” emphasizes Speer. All in all 70 hotel complex employees meanwhile, they have been blacked out and isolated. According to information from the US Army garrison in Bavaria, the accommodation will also be available for the moment from this Monday. 14 days closed.

Speer has no sympathy for the returnee’s appearance. “I’m very angry,” clarifies the district administrator. Now it is also known that a friend of the 26-year-old also complained of symptoms, but that night, “Thank God, it was not,” says Speer.

It should be clarified to what extent the German authorities can now hold the American accountable. As an employee of a US armed forces facility, you may not face any problems from Germany. “I’m afraid so,” he says Mayor Elisabeth Koch (CSU). “As far as I know, the NATO troop status applies.” However, even the Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) demands clear consequences. * A line of thought that Speer fully supports. “But first we have to verify it legally.”

The district administrator had an idea of ​​the situation at the test center on Saturday. What he saw with him was positive impressions of this weekend. “Above all, there were many young people who responded to the call for tests.” He was impressed by the fact that the younger generation was also very patient at the test station. Because the waiting times could not be avoided. “The rush was big, bigger than we expected,” admits Jörg Jovy, BRK spokesman in the district. “The station was open on Saturdays from 2:40 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., waiting times were one hour because relatively many had not made an appointment.” About 360 swabs could be taken on Saturday and another 350 were added on Sunday. Exit. The BRK worked two shifts with eight employees.

Crown bud in Gramisch-Partenkirchen: restrictions after a superspreader’s party tour

All those affected are now united in the hope that positive cases will be limited. The health department expects the first test results on Saturday.

It is now clear that the general decree on restrictions in Garmisch-Partenkirchen has been in force since Saturday. A discussion broke out on Friday night about the type of ad. District administrator Speer has little interest in such skirmishes. On Saturday he clarified with the president of the Upper Bavaria district, Maria Els, that the general decree of a higher authority, in this case the Ministry of Health, would legally enter into force. Speer makes it clear: “It was important that we do something.” * and Münchner Merkur are part of the national digital publishing network Ippen.
