Corona current: WHO warns of rising corona deaths in Europe in autumn – Inland news


Corona patients staying in shared rooms

Although two patients had corona symptoms, they were housed in multi-bed rooms at the hospital in Vilshofen, Bavaria. Only after tests showed an infection were both patients isolated, a hospital statement said Sunday. No one has been infected so far.

Despite suspicious symptoms, the patients were not placed in the corona suspicion room last week. The tests were also not carried out promptly.

How the incident occurred is still being investigated. “Our hygiene concept, which had been very efficient to date, was apparently not implemented by individual employees in these cases,” hospital officials said. I’m sorry about the incident. Josef Mader, managing director of the Passau district health facilities, further announced that the hospital had taken immediate action. According to the information, the hospital staff were immediately examined, so far no one has been infected. The health department should identify other contact persons and clarify if there were any infections.
