Returning traveler turns Garmisch into hotspot: Bavarian Interior Minister threatens super spreaders with heavy fines


After a violent Corona outbreak in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) is calling for consequences for the alleged perpetrator. “If it is confirmed that the woman has deliberately ignored the quarantine despite the clear symptoms of the crown, she should expect a hefty fine,” Herrmann told the “Münchner Merkur”.

“Against such cruelty, a clear signal must be given and an example of a warning that anyone who violates the rules in this particular pandemic situation and deliberately puts others in danger must face sensitive penalties.”

The district office assumes the outbreak is due to a so-called super spreader. The 26-year-old is said to have wandered around various pubs and bars in the market town at the foot of the Zugspitze and infected several people in the process.

According to the authority, he has already had symptoms in the bar crawl and has been awaiting the results of his corona test. In Bavaria, violations of quarantine requirements can result in a 2,000 euro fine.

[Mehr zum Thema: Weiß-blaues Corona-Desaster? Bayern bekommt die Pandemie kaum in den Griff]

“The lady had symptoms, she was with us at the test station and she was asked to remain in quarantine due to the symptoms. But she didn’t do that, ”district office spokesman Stephan Scharf said Saturday. The 26-year-old had just returned from a vacation in Greece.

It is not yet clear whether he was infected during the trip or later in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. “We don’t know where it got infected,” says Scharf. He corrected his previous information that it was a tourist who came from the United States. There was a “transmission problem” within the authority.

“There are more cases where people don’t wait for the test result,” says Scharf. “And nationality doesn’t matter either. But we wanted as many people as possible to be contacted who remembered having contact with the woman in a bar in recent days. “

The American tourist is said to have been to various bars in Garmisch.Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand / dpa

Because not all contact persons have been traced so far, health authorities are asking those who were in local bars tonight or earlier to contact the health department hotline (08821 / 751-500) and get tested. The appeal is mainly aimed at young people between 18 and 35 years old, who may have been infected, are invited to get tested.

All restaurants must close there by 10 pm

According to Scharf, 24 people have so far tested positive in an accommodation where the woman works. Overall, the number of new infections for Saturday was 37. The seven-day incidence was 54 and thus above the critical mark of 50 new infections per 100,000 population in seven days. “Of course, not everyone has to be infected with it,” emphasizes Scharf. 453 positive cases have been detected in the district since the start of the Corona crisis.

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“From a medical point of view, a significant increase in infections in the district is to be expected,” the district office said, imposing restrictions on public life in the commercial city of about 26,000 residents on Friday. “We want to end the nightlife that triggered it.”

All restaurants must close by 10 pm Only a maximum of five people can meet in the public space; this also applies to all restaurants. For private events, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50 people in closed rooms or up to 100 people outdoors.

Due to the high number of infections, the organizers canceled the “Ausbremst is” event scheduled for this Saturday. The farmers’ rally to protest against the spread of wolves in Bavaria this Sunday was also canceled due to the crown. (dpa)

[Hinweis: In einer früheren Version des Textes hieß es, die Frau sei eine Touristin aus den USA. Das Landratsamt hat sich später korrigiert.]
