Stolberg: knife attacker shouted “Allahu akbar” – Cologne


Stolberg (North Rhine-Westphalia) – Bloody knife attack on Sunday night in Stolberg, near Aachen!

It is said that at 0.40 a man assaulted a driver in his car with a knife and seriously injured him. Emergency surgery saved his life. The man is seriously injured in hospital.

According to information from BILD, the attacker is said to have yelled “Allahu akbar” during the attack. As a police spokesman said when asked by BILD, the victim was driving his car at a crosswalk when the attacker opened the driver’s door and stabbed him in the arm with a knife.

The suspect is said to have contacts on the Islamist scene and as he continues to flee, the police are looking for him with great pressure.

The background to the bloody act is currently unclear. According to the police, the act took place in Bastinsweiher in the middle of Stolberg. The Cologne police took over the investigation into a possible background attack by the Aachen authorities.

We report on.
