Weather: High “Kevin” brings summer back to Germany


In the coming days, the end of summer will show itself in all its splendor in Germany. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), temperatures will rise to 33 degrees next week. Also, the sun shines almost everywhere in the country from mostly clear skies. Based on the information, the 30 degree mark is likely to be exceeded in many places, especially on Monday. “Up Kevin is there, and with him the summer returns to Germany,” says a DWD meteorologist.

Only in the north and northwest of Germany do the foothills of a low initially cause slightly cooler clouds and temperatures. “Even in the Alps, the summer weather doesn’t work quite well,” says the meteorological expert.

The nights are cool too, as the days are already getting significantly shorter. “Where the sky is clear and there are no clouds or wind, temperatures now drop to single digits,” said the meteorologist. In the individual valleys of the lower mountain range, there could also be occasional light frosts on the ground.

Not much rain expected

During the day, very high temperatures are also reached on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Only on Thursday did a new cold front move over Germany, causing a notable cooling. Although it won’t rain much. A problem for nature.

Because this year’s summer was too dry. After evaluating the weather data for the months of June to August, it turned out that although it was more changeable than its two extremely hot predecessors, it was still too warm and too dry overall.

With an average temperature of 18.2 degrees, the summer of 2020 was 1.9 degrees above the average for the valid international reference period 1961 to 1990, according to the DWD after evaluating data from about 2,000 weather stations up to moment. Compared to the warmer comparison period from 1981 to 2010, the upward deviation was still 1.1 degrees.

Icon: The mirror
