High number of cases in Austria: in short: the second wave has started


New infections in Austria are on the rise, especially in the capital Vienna, the situation is getting worse. Chancellor Kurz already speaks of a second wave and warns of difficult months. In response, his government is significantly expanding the requirement for masks.

Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz expects a further sharp increase in crown numbers in Austria and especially in Vienna. “What we are currently experiencing is the beginning of the second wave,” said the head of government of the Austrian news agency APA. “Two weeks ago there were around 350 infections per day, yesterday we were already over 850.” They will soon reach the 1,000 new cases per day mark.

Kurz described the situation in Vienna as “particularly dramatic”, where more than half of all new infections recorded in Austria are recorded. Briefly advised of a harsh autumn and winter: “That is why we are all called and challenged to master the challenges of the coming months together with the same discipline and consideration as in spring.” He called on the population to adhere to the measures, reduce social contacts, use mouth and nose protection and keep their distance.

Currently, almost 5,700 people are considered to be suffering from Covid-19 in Austria, more than 3,000 of them in Vienna. With 869 new infections recorded in 24 hours, the largest increase since the end of March was measured on Saturday, but with significantly more tests and less severe cases. However, the number of Covid 19 patients treated at the hospital increased by a third to 209 in one week; 42 of them were in intensive care.

In view of the growing number of infections, the government announced on Friday that the crown’s measures would be toughened: among other things, mouth and nasal protection must be used in all stores, in public buildings and in schools outside the classrooms from Monday. Until now, only a mask was required in supermarkets and public transport in Austria.
