Thanks to the Super Spreader: many tests in Garmisch-Partenkirchen


Garmisch-Partenkirchen is the crown’s new hotspot: At least 33 new infections are said to be due to a party-goer. The 26-year-old infected American is said to have celebrated in various bars despite the quarantine order.

After the corona outbreak, many people followed the authorities’ request to get tested. The line in front of Corona’s test center at the Alpspitz wave pool was long on Saturday; mainly young people want security. They had been reported to the health department or the researchers excluded them as contact persons.

A potential super spreader was in Greece

The 26-year-old American, considered a super spreader, is said to have been on vacation in Greece. He was then tested but still participated in the local nightlife with no negative results. He works at the Edelweiß Lodge, a hotel owned by the US military. It is not yet clear whether the US citizen was infected during her vacation trip.

One thing is certain: He had symptoms and, according to a spokesman for the responsible district office, the health department had ordered a quarantine. However, the 26-year-old is said to have wandered through various pubs in the market town on different days and infected numerous people.

💡 Superspreaders and Super Spread Events – We have heard and read about these kinds of situations more and more recently. Super-spreaders are people who infect a whole group of people. The number of people directly infected by them clearly exceeds the so-called reproductive number. Virologist Christian Drosten repeatedly points out that a super spreader creates clumps of infection from which new chains of infection can quickly emerge. This is particularly possible with Sars-CoV-2, since infected people can infect others and spread the virus even before the first symptoms appear.

Determination of contact persons is in progress

Apparently, she was not alone in this. Other infected hotel employees are also said to have been in the nightlife for several nights. This makes the work of the research team difficult. Because not all contact persons have been traced so far, health authorities are asking those who were in local bars tonight or earlier to contact the health department hotline and get tested. The results of the weekend tests can be expected on Monday at the earliest. Then it will show how many people are still infected.

According to the authorities, so far 24 people have tested positive in the accommodation where the woman works alone. In total, on Saturday the number of new infections in the district was 37. According to the district office, the incidence in seven days was 54, and therefore above the critical mark of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.

New measures for Garmisch-Partenkirchen

“From a medical point of view, a significant increase in infections in the district is to be expected,” the district office said and yesterday imposed restrictions on public life in the commercial city, which has about 26,000 residents.

All restaurants must close by 10 pm Only a maximum of five people are allowed to meet in public space; this also applies to all restaurants. For private events the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 50 people in closed rooms or up to 100 people outdoors.
