Garmisch wreaths chaos: young tourist paralyzes nightlife in GAP – super spreader celebrates in various bars


33 new corona cases – that’s clearly too much. That is why the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district office significantly restricts the nightlife in the city. Gourmets have to close at 10 pm There are other measures.

  • The Garmisch-Partenkirchen district is clearly breaking the limit for new corona infections.
  • Therefore, the District Office issues restrictions for the location.
  • Gastronomy is particularly affected. From now on it ends at 10 pm

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – Everyone has always hoped it didn’t come to that. District Administrator Anton Speer (Free Voters) was present ten days ago at the inauguration of the CrownTest station in Garmisch-Partenkirchen I am proud that the district shines with very good figures compared to Upper Bavaria. Less than two weeks later, the tide has turned: now there is a heightened alert in the region. Of the Crown-The Crisis team met Friday afternoon at the district office to discuss the situation and decide on sanctions. The trigger for this is an outbreak in the nightlife of Garmisch-Partenkirchen and especially among the employees of the American hotel Edelweiß Lodge Resort. On Friday alone, 33 new positive cases were registered in the district, The seven-day incidence is 54, above the district limit. The result of the peak of the crisis: the district office has a general decree that initially only applies to the Garmisch-Partenkirchen market. It went into effect on Friday night.

From now on: restaurateurs in Garmisch-Partenkirchen must close at 10pm.

The new regulations for the community area with all districts: From Friday evening at 10pm, all the gastronomy in Garmisch-Partenkirchen can only be open until 10pm. Private events are limited to 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors. In restaurants and bars, a maximum of five guests can sit at a table. The same applies to meetings in public spaces. According to the Bavarian Free State Infection Protection Measures Ordinance, ten people are allowed. These regulations apply initially for one week. But Weekend events in Garmisch-Partenkirchen are not affected. The demonstration “Ausbremst es” on Saturday 12 September, as well as the rally of the Bavarian Farmers Association on Sunday can take place under certain conditions. According to the district office, these are under the right of assembly. But: Organizers of “Ausbremst is” canceled the rally on short notice on Saturday.

“We have to shut down the nightlife,” says Stephan Scharf, spokesman for the district authority. “Because too much is happening there right now.” Those responsible have not yet addressed issues such as the general closure of schools: two classes are now in quarantine. “We have to be attentive to the number of cases, including the evolution of the situation in schools”, emphasizes Scharf.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen: To enforce the rules: police reported

To monitor the new rules, the District Office receives administrative assistance from the policeman. “Officers will be patrolling more and more and will also help inform the restaurant industry,” Scharf emphasizes.

The research teams of the Health Department. Employees of the authority were still at the US hotel in Zugspitzstrasse on Friday night to collect data. One of the reasons for the soaring increase in cases is a 26-year-old Americanwho has been very involved in nightlife over the past weekend. She was out and about in various bars, apparently unaware that she was Positive crown it is. This result led to a smear, the finding of which came in the middle of this week. “We currently assume that it has infected numerous people,” Scharf says very clearly.

GAP: Looking for contact persons and asking to do a test: Who was in these bars?

To verify this assumption, the focus when identifying potential contact persons is on two Night venues: he Peaches am Marienplatz in the district Garmisch as well as that Irish pub am Rathausplatz in Partenkirchen. The infected people were there the nights of Thursday September 3 and Tuesday September 8 (both Peaches), as well as Saturday September 5 (Irish pub). “Until now, not all contact persons have been located,” Scharf emphasizes. “Therefore, we depend on the cooperation of the population.”

Those affected must return to Covid-19 pathogen get tested. The station at the Alpspitz wave pool is available for this. The Bavarian Red Cross will significantly increase its staffing. “In the coming days we will support the health department in performing as many smears as necessary to identify the largest possible number of carriers of the infection,” emphasizes Klemens Reindl, BRK district manager. For this, the opening hours will be extended by two hours a day. Reductions are possible between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. “All 18- to 35-year-olds who have been to city nightclubs in recent days are especially encouraged to get tested,” Scharf emphasizes. It is convenient to register online at or by phone at 0 88 21/751 900. “But no one will be turned away if they do not inform in advance.”

Increased number of corona cases in Garmisch-Partenkirchen – no need to panic, but don’t underestimate the risk

The route to contain the infection is now clearly formulated: “Try as much and as fast as you can,” says Jörg Jovy, press spokesman for the BRK district association. The Red Cross will also re-operationalize the website to provide additional information to the population of the region. “We realized that information is the beginning and the end of this pandemic,” says Jovy.

Reindl, who was one of the leaders of the crisis team in the district in the first wave, does not believe in scare tactics despite the increase in cases: “I am confident that we will be able to control the infection process, even without a countywide lockdown.” The helpers are much better prepared for the situation due to the experiences of spring. But: “SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious pathogen that should not be underestimated. Perhaps in recent weeks one has become too careless in dealing with the virus in one place or another.”

Peter Messerschmitt, senior director at Peaches, reacted in dismay: “That’s terrible,” says the cult restorer. On Thursday, the health department was at the door and informed the workforce. “We have a hygiene concept that is strictly adhered to.” He immediately quarantined the affected employees. The bars posted a call on Facebook to guests for the two afternoons to get tested immediately.

The Garmisch-Partenkirchen rules at a glance

  • All catering establishments must close from 10 pm on Friday, September 11.
  • Private events are limited to: 50 participants in closed rooms or 100 people outdoors.
  • Contact restriction: A maximum of five people can sit at a table or hang out in public spaces.
  • These rules apply for one week until September 18 and only for the market town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.