Local elections in NRW: Laschet exam


The NRW local elections are also on Prime Minister Laschet. A poor performance of the CDU in the country would increase doubts about his suitability for the chancellor; a good result should inspire you.

By Sabine Henkel, ARD capital studio

No, Armin Laschet will definitely not be eligible for Sunday’s election. When the evening counts and the political future of mayors, members of city parliaments and district assemblies is at stake, the prime minister can rest. It is just a local election.

Alone? Not quite. Because local elections always reflect the mood of the country, as Laschet himself says. “I think federal and state policy ensures that there is a good general climate, but ultimately the elections are decided locally.”

Federal policy looks to NRW

Ultimately, that is certainly true. Laschet and his black and yellow state government do not make any local politics and therefore are not responsible for when the night bus leaves or whether and where pop-up bike lanes are established. However: the political climate is determined by state policy, especially in the days of Corona.

It is the first option that is made in crown conditions. And it takes place in the state that will likely have the next federal president of the CDU. Federal politicians are watching NRW on Sunday, the result doesn’t just interest the people of Billerbeck, Emsdetten or Anröchte.

How will the CDU fare in the most populous federal state? In Infratest dimap’s NRW trend, it ranks first at 34 percent, but has recently lost three points. There is probably also a Merkel bonus on this value.

Laschet crisis management

Laschet remains undaunted. He wants to be head and chancellor of the CDU; he only says of the polls: “I am happy when they are good, but the electoral results are decisive.” What should you answer when you answer the question “Who can be Chancellor?” has slipped into penultimate place. According to ARD Germany trend Only 24 percent of those polled placed Laschet in the post of Chancellery, 21 percent see Norbert Röttgen as Merkel’s successor, 33 consider Friedrich Merz to be adequate. CSU boss Markus Söder leads by a wide margin. Laschet has no explanation as to why his abilities are so underestimated.

His handling of the crown crisis rivals Söder’s, which they both deny, but which is obvious. “Only those who master crises, who can do their duty, can also shine in freestyle,” Söder recently joked, probably also in the direction of North Rhine-Westphalia. The self-confident Bavarian considers himself the best crisis teacher, despite the fact that this statement was made before the test disaster in Bavaria was known, when the results of thousands of vacationers were not broadcast for days .

Laschet will have watched this closely. Because so far it has been he who has been accused of mistakes, especially for his late performance after the Corona outbreak at the Tönnies meat factory. Laschet had a reputation as a teacher on the loose until he changed course and was the first to make the mask mandatory in school lessons and to demand drastic fines for those who refused to wear a mask on buses and trains. “Listen, weigh, make decisions” is how Laschet describes his course of crisis. This is supported by the fact that the number of infections has decreased across the country. But also Laschet’s polls on the K question.

Merkel’s praise

He had received a certificate of suitability from the highest authority. Chancellor Angela Merkel declared him fit for chancellor during her visit to North Rhine-Westphalia. “Armin Laschet brings many qualifications with him. If you rule the largest federal state in a CDU-FDP coalition that works efficiently, then this is at least one tool that carries weight.”

Bitter to the CDU man that in his hometown, of all places, these tools are not worth much. In Aachen, the Greens are at the polls. Not only in the city parliament are they in a majority course with 37 percent, also the green candidate Sibylle Keupen could become mayor. In other cities, however, things are going well for the CDU: in Düsseldorf, Essen, Münster and also in the strongholds of Hochsauerland and Münsterland, the Laschet party should win the most votes.

Laschet is confident of victory

But what does that bring you on your way to the Chancellery? A good national result for the CDU could inspire and encourage you. Possibly also at least let his critics shut up. However, if the CDU fails to live up to expectations, the discussion about Laschet’s suitability for chancellor is likely to escalate.

He himself is confident of victory. He wants to be clearly ahead with the CDU on Sunday night, but anything else would be a big surprise given the competitive situation. The SPD is weak and the rise in the Greens is probably not high enough. In reality, everything should be fine for Laschet in these local elections. The next elections will be about him again: if Laschet wins the elections as leader of the CDU, he just has to prove that he is also the best candidate for the Chancellery.
