Status: 11.09.2020 21:41 – NDR 1 Lower Saxony
After the fires that destroyed the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, ten European countries want to host 400 underage refugees. 100 to 150 should reach Germany. Too little, thinks Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD). “We are currently talking about 12,000 people in Moria who literally live on the street,” he told the radio station on Friday. “Aerial of Lower Saxony”. Weil demanded a solution for the other refugees who find themselves in this “dire situation”. Since it is unrealistic for all European countries to participate in the reception of the people, she called for a “coalition of EU goodwill partners”.
Seehofer announces another step
As Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) said on Friday night, the federal government is working to quickly receive more immigrants from Moria. Admitting the 400 unaccompanied minors is just the first step. You will follow the second step. “Personally, it is very important to me that we find a quick solution for families with children,” Seehofer said. A joint letter from the German Council Presidency and the EU Commission to the EU member states is in the works. Seehofer had previously warned in the Bundestag: “If we, as the Federal Republic of Germany, believe that we can solve the problem of European asylum on our own, then 2015 will be repeated.” Because then there will be no European solution. He also emphasized that on-site help on the island was the most important. According to the Vice President of the EU Commission, Margaritis Schinas, a “center” is to be built in Moria, the construction of which the EU wants to support.
DGB calls for thumb screws for objectors in the EU
The Federation of German Trade Unions (DGB), meanwhile, lobbied for consequences within the European Union. “Europe finally needs a common strategy to host refugees,” said DGB chief Reiner Hoffmann of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. The EU must put thumb screws in those member states that refuse to accept refugees. It proposes cutting EU aid to these countries. Alternatively, he thinks a fund is conceivable, to which these countries contribute, which then benefits the refugee-hosting countries. No state should “collect all the aid from Brussels and then shirk its tasks in the common refugee policy,” Hoffmann demanded. European solidarity is not a one-way street.
Lower Saxony Refugee Council demands swift attention
Aid organizations and human rights organizations are also calling for refugees who have been made homeless to be accepted into European countries. In a letter distributed by the Lower Saxony Refugee Council on Friday, it says: “The shameful situation in the camp and the fire are the direct result of a failed European refugee policy – now the EU must finally help those affected.” . The organizers of the letter demand an activation of civil protection. Instead of arresting people around Moria with open-air police force, first aid should be guaranteed.
Lord Mayors declare their disposition
In another letter, the mayors of ten German cities, including Hannover, Göttingen and Oldenburg, declared their willingness to accept refugees. They sent the joint letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Federal Minister of the Interior Seehofer. Göttingen Mayor Rolf-Georg Köhler (SPD) said Moria could and should not remain the worst example of European refugee policy. According to a spokeswoman for the Lower Saxony State Reception Authority, there are also capacities in the Friedland transit camp to accept people from Moria.
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