“… and now he’s dead”


A storm of rage against Donald Trump rages online because the president of the United States knew about corona risk early on and deliberately downplayed it. On Twitter, users express their pain and anger in very personal stories.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, deliberately played down the crisis of the crown; this has now been proven for sure. Author and journalist Bob Woodward has published interviews that clearly show Trump was informed in February that the virus is airborne and has a higher death rate than the flu. During this time, Trump publicly referred to the low number of cases in the United States and repeatedly claimed that the virus would go away on its own.

You can listen to the explosive tape recordings in the original. here in the video. The sound recording has also gone viral on Twitter. Under the hashtag #Trumpknew (German: Trump knew it), thousands of people share their stories, their anger and, above all, their sadness for the nearly 200,000 people who have died from the corona virus in the US so far. Others post photographs showing the president with bloodstained hands.

User David Beard shares the story of a 28-year-old teacher in the US state of South Carolina. “She taught third grade. She tested positive for Covid-19 on Friday. She died on Monday.”

A user named Denise writes that her mother also died of Covid-19. “And Trump knew it and he lied. He downplayed it while hundreds and thousands of Americans died. My heart broke yesterday when I listened to the tapes. Now I’m angry. I’m going to stay angry and now I’m even more determined to do that.” Vote to see this monster. “

Some wonder how different the past few months might have been, if the number of deaths would have been significantly lower, or if medical care could have been secured. “Dead Americans mean nothing to him,” writes one user and also shares the sound recording. A Twitter user calling herself Francie writes that her father-in-law died of Covid-19 last month. “He said Trump would tell us if there was something out there that was killing us. He trusted Trump and now he’s dead. May Trump burn in hell,” he writes.

US President Trump commented on the allegations Thursday and passed on the responsibility. “Bob Woodward had my dates for many months. If he thought they were so bad or dangerous, why didn’t he immediately report them to save lives? Wasn’t he required to? No, because he knew the answers were good and correct “, writes.

Many angry comments gathered under his tweet. “You knew how bad the virus is and you just wanted to save the stock market from a collapse,” accuses one user and demands: “Back off.”

Many others joined the lawsuit and expressed their support under #resignnowtrump (German: back off now Trump).
