Heidelberg: alleged anti-Semitic attack – fraternity dissociates


Several members of the Normannia fraternity in Heidelberg are targeted by the prosecution following an apparently anti-Semitic incident. Now the connection has responded to the allegations with an admission. It says there is no tolerance for anti-Semitism.

According to the prosecutor, the incident occurred in late August. After a visitor to a celebration said he had Jewish ancestry, several members of the fraternity allegedly beat him on the legs and back with belts. He is also said to have been thrown coins and abused in an anti-Semitic manner.

The police and the prosecutor are investigating seven men and one woman for dangerous physical injuries and insults.

Internal consequences

The Normannia fraternity stated that it cooperated “fully” with the authorities. If allegations against individual members are upheld, internal consequences will also be drawn.

After learning the accusations, it was decided to dissolve Aktivitas. These are the members who are still studying. The fraternity still exists, however members who have completed their studies are called “elders.”

According to its own information, the “Normannia” fraternity has existed since 1890. According to the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung”, its members include AfD politician Christian Wirth and author of “Junge Freiheit” Michael Kurt Paulwitz, head of far-right Republicans ran.

Icon: The mirror
