Crash on A5: Lion kidnapped Little Mafia Lea? – National News


Heidelberg – Little Lea, what did you have to endure in your few weeks of life?

First, heartless people snatched the baby white lion from its mother, put it in a wooden box and loaded it onto the trailer of a Slovak minibus. And then this:

Die A 5 gleicht nach dem Horror-Unfall einem Schlachtfeld. Im Vordergrund liegt derTransporter auf der Seite, der an dem roten Kleinbus hingPhoto: Julian Buchner / Einsatz-Report24 / dpa

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After the horrific accident, the A5 is like a battlefield. In the foreground is the van on the side hanging from the red minibusPhoto: Julian Buchner / Einsatz-Report24 / dpa

▶ ︎Tuesday morning, at dawn, the minibus was hit by a sprinter on the A5 between the Kronau junction and the Walldorfer Kreuz (Baden-Württemberg). The team collided with the central barrier. The trailer fell sideways. Three Slovaks from the minibus and the sprinter’s driver were seriously injured in hospitals.

Die Narkose wirkt. Löwin Lea schlummert auf einer Decke mit Monden und SternenPhoto: Landau Zoo

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The anesthesia works. Lioness Lea sleeps on a blanket with moons and starsPhoto: Landau Zoo

While recovering the wreck, rescuers made the sad discovery: the completely scared lion cub trembled in the broken wooden box on the trailer, hissed at firefighters. The miracle: the little white lioness was apparently unharmed in the accident!

Bird of prey flew during recovery

Animal rescuer Michael Sehr, who was immediately called to the scene of the accident, to BILD: “The lion cub is only seven weeks old and is a female. He took it from his mother too soon. ” According to information from BILD, police found papers from the big cat in the wreck. These are controlled together with the animal welfare authority.

Löwin Lea faucht hinter den Gittern ihrer RettungsboxPhoto: dpa

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Read the lioness whistling behind the bars of her rescue boxPhoto: dpa

Mit einem Stab wird dem Löwenbaby die Betäubungsspritze gegeben. Es versucht zunächst, damit zu spielenPhoto: Rhein-Neckar Animal Rescue

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The lion cub receives the anesthetic injection with a stick. First try to play with himPhoto: Rhein-Neckar Animal Rescue

▶ ︎Most important question: Was it a transport for the illegal animal trade? Is the lion mafia behind this? It is also said that there was a bird of prey in the trailer. He flew away to the rescue. The Slovak occupants of the vehicle could not yet be questioned about the animals. “He is not yet ready for questioning,” a police spokesman said.

Tierarzt Henning Wilts hat die sedierte Löwin auf seinem Untersuchungstisch. Weiße Löwen sind eine seltene FarbmutationPhoto: Landau Zoo

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Veterinarian Henning Wilts has the sedated lioness on his exam table. White lions are a rare color mutationPhoto: Landau Zoo

The lion cub was anesthetized on the spot and taken to a zoo in Landau (Rhineland-Palatinate). A vet examined him there. Since the big cat has apparently not been vaccinated against rabies, it was first quarantined. And I have a name: Lea! Michael Sehr: “I have seen a lot in my 16 years as an animal rescuer, but I have never rescued a lion from a shipwreck on the highway.”

Zahn-Kontrolle! Das Raubtiergebiss ist schon gut zu erkennenPhoto: Landau Zoo

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Tooth control! The predator’s teeth are easy to see.Photo: Landau Zoo

“You can order lions on the Internet”

Also for the zoo director Uwe Wünstel (40, from Landau) an extraordinary case: “My partner and I will take care of Miss Lion all day long.” It is important that the big kitten eat first. “Because we don’t know if he is already used to solid foods. If not, we will have to give him the bottle every two hours, ”said Wünstel.

Can a lion be transported on the highway? Mannheim lawyer Maximilian Endler (54): “In fact, species-appropriate transport and maintenance of big cats cannot be guaranteed by private individuals.” Legally, one often moves into a gray area. Endler: “This is why the big cat trade is flourishing, especially in Eastern European countries. You can order a lion on the Internet. Just outrageous! “

Katharina Lameter from the animal welfare association Fauna Pro: “No serious zoo would transport even an animal of this age. It is almost certain that it is an illegal transport ”. It is not yet clear where the little lioness should be taken.
