Coronavirus shakes Spain: “Everyone is currently infected” – Infected surfer hunted by officials


In Spain, the number of new corona infections is of great concern. Helicopters are used in Mallorca to clear beaches. In San Sebastián there is a spectacular arrest of Covid-19. The news ticker.

  • The number of New infections with the Coronavirus * go up in Spain continues – especially the region Madrid concerns.
  • In Majorca set the police helicopter to enforce the night closing of the beaches.
  • In Saint Sebastian becomes one with Surfer infected with crown spectacularly arrested on the beachsee update of September 8 at 7:50 pm).
  • Basic Facts about coronavirus * and Corona news from Germany can be found here. We also provide you with current case numbers on a map. Germany.

Update September 8 at 7:50 pm.: Spectacular Corona’s arrest in Spain: A young woman was arrested on Monday on Zurriola beach in the northern Spanish city of San Sebastián for her COVID-19 quarantine had left to go surfing.

This is reported by the Spanish newspaper El País. So the woman is with him Coronavirus infected, and you know it too. More than that, he even wanted to evade arrest. According to the report, police officers in a lifeboat tried to convince her to surrender, but she kept sailing.

He then escaped on the beach, as shown by a video of the incident that went viral on social media. But the police officers, some in protective suits, caught her and handcuffed her.

Of the Covid-19-Fall polarized in Spain also because the surfer was apparently denied by her own colleagues. Now she faces a penalty.

Coronavirus in Spain: the number of new corona infections is increasing and is cause for concern

First report of September 7: The number of New infections with the Coronavirus go up in Spain they continue to cause great concern to the authorities. The Health Ministry reported more than 4,000 new cases on Sunday.

Last Friday there were even more than 10,000 new infections, a new Maximum value from the confinement. the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) i had the last week Canary Islands and so everything Spain to the Area of ​​risk explained.

Corona in Spain: the Madrid region is becoming the center of the second wave

The Spanish center of Second wave of the Pandemic* is, as in spring, the region Madrid. About a third of that New corona infections of the country were last registered in the Spanish capital. Especially in the working-class neighborhoods of the southeast. Madrid spread that Coronavirus outside. “People get infected, children get infected, everyone gets infected and school has not started yet,” said the president of the region. Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, most recently in an interview, as reported by “Spiegel”.

The regional government wants the number of New infections in Madrid using new restrictions Contains. Meetings should be held in the public sector and also in the private ten people limited if they do not belong to a household.

These situations are in accordance with President of the Region responsible for the majority of new infections. Additionally, the number of participants allowed for weddings, funerals and other events will again be significantly reduced.

Corona in Spain: helicopter sells bathers in Mallorca

On the holiday island Majorca has the regional government due to the increase Infection numbers already at the end of august restrictions of arranged public life. That also included the beaches are closed at night and parks between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. To implement this measure, the policeman in Mallorca now too helicopter one as the video recordings show.

The newspaper “Diario de Mallorca” reported that a machine was on Weekend at night low over the beaches flew to stupid Bathers expel. the policeman he urged people over loudspeakers: “Clean the beaches.”

The video recordings showed how Bathers given the volume and strong winds under the rotor of the Helicopter We walked from the beach to the boardwalk.

Corona in Spain: trip to the beach after two months in intensive care

Amid the worsening situation, Spain is also expecting good news. After Corona infection put at 60 years Francisco Spain almost two months in the intensive care unit. Now he was allowed to return to the open air for a little excursion. Lying on the bed and hooked up to hoses Spain of nurses on the boardwalk of Barcelona pushed.

“I’m very overwhelmed,” he reported Spain compared to the “image”. The 60-year-old man was monitored by a doctor and three nurses on his way out. the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona explored * how short trips to the beach promote the recovery of Patients with Covid-19 influence.

The goal is to improve the emotional attitude of the patient. “Then if they let me have a beer in the hospital cafeteria, that would be enough for me,” he said. Spain.

Some other countries in Europe have also seen a high increase in new corona infections, surpassing an alarming limit. The Spanish government is trying to combat the population increase with various measures: more recently there was also a public ban on smoking outdoors in the room.

Due to trade restrictions caused by the corona pandemic, experts fear bottlenecks in the delivery of important drugs and vaccines *. A new study from Sweden now gives hope that after a corona infection you could be immune in the long term, even without antibodies in your blood. (ph) * is part of the Ippen-Digital publishing network.

Headline list image: © Europa Press / dpa
