Critic of the Kremlin in Berlin Charité: Navalny awakens from a coma and is accessible


The poisoned Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny is better: doctors at the Charité hospital in Berlin brought the 44-year-old man out of his artificial coma. You should already react to the speech.

Poisoned Russian opposition politician Alexej Navalny was brought out of his artificial coma in Berlin. His health has improved, said the Charité University Hospital. The 44-year-old man gradually withdraws from mechanical ventilation and reacts to speech. However, the long-term consequences of severe poisoning cannot be ruled out.

Navalny has been treated at the Charité since Aug. 22, after he collapsed two days earlier during a flight in Russia. The federal government said last week that Navalny had been poisoned “without question” with a chemical nerve agent from the so-called Novitschok group. A special laboratory of the Bundeswehr examined the substance. The poison was developed by Soviet scientists in the 1970s.

Moscow rejects blame

Since last week, Moscow has been rejecting any blame for the health of the prominent critic of President Vladimir Putin. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov spoke again today of “absurd attempts” to associate the Russian leadership with him. The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office had requested legal aid in Germany. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said in the Berlin reportthey have already agreed.

Since then, the Navalny case has sparked a discussion about stopping the Nord Stream 2 natural gas project. The pipeline is currently under construction and is intended to transport Russian gas across the Baltic Sea to Germany.

Navalny wakes up from a coma
Kai Küstner, ARD Berlin
07.09.2020 4:02 pm

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