Sailboat “Beijing” arrives in Hamburg | – news


Position: 07.09.2020 16:26 Uhr – NDR 90.3

It was launched in Hamburg in 1911, then sailed around Cape Horn 34 times and was a museum ship in New York for more than 40 years: the historic four-masted boat “Peking” returns home today. In Hamburg, the sailboat will be the flagship of the planned to be the German Harbor Museum in Kleiner Grasbrook. Follow the additional “Beijing” journey here via live video feed.

Live: The “Beijing” on the road from Wewelsfleth to Hamburg

Today the “Beijing” of four masters returns to Hamburg. The ship was restored at Wewelsfleth for three years. now shows the change in a live stream.


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In the morning and in the morning the “Beijing” Brought in by tugboats from the Peters shipyard in Wewelsfleth (Steinburg district) to Twielenfleth in the Stade district. There she waited for the tide, and with it, her journey. Meanwhile, he has continued his journey and crossed the border into Hamburg.

Link to ship’s radar

The “Beijing” itself does not have AIS. Follow the position through the two tugs “Wulf 5” and “Taucher O Wulf 3”. Here is the link to the ship radar of the city of Hamburg. external

With the afternoon flood in the port of Hamburg

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Two tugs carry the Peking from Stör to the Elbe and then to Hamburg to its new mooring.

With the afternoon flooding, it passes in front of the Elbe Philharmonic, where Beijing turns around 6pm, only to be maneuvered back to its berth in front of the Hamburg Harbor Museum. The return of the new landmark of the Hanseatic city should be completed around 7pm after a total of 88 years. The transfer of the boat is followed by thousands along the Elbe, because many places along the route are suitable as observation points.

Greetings for the Stör bombing

The “Beijing” had the first challenge, the last It was extensively restored over three years for 38 million euros, already taken in the morning. When the sailor passed through the eye of the Stör bombardment, cheers and applause erupted. Because here it applies: nature rules. Only at high tide does a ship like the 115-meter long “Beijing” pass through the small barrage that connects the Stör with the Elbe. At 22 meters, it is only seven meters wider than “Peking”. That is why the last sailing trip started very early in the morning. Furthermore, the transverse masts, that is, the shipyards of the sailboat, had to be flown, that is, folded. Otherwise, the “Beijing” would not have come through the door.

With two tugboats to Hamburg

After passing the Stör bombardment, the following maneuver came: the shipyards flew again, that is, they were positioned again across the ship. With the help of brass winches, the mast cross bars were positioned at a 90 degree angle to the ship. We continue up the Elbe accompanied by the two tugs “Wulf 3” and “Wulf 5”. Powerful tugs were necessary to properly maneuver the “Beijing”.

Pause at Twielenfleth

At Twielenfleth we continue after a five hour break. Although the boat only has a draft of four meters, according to Captain Ben Lodemann, the tide was still necessary to get the boat safely to Hamburg: “The berth in Hamburg only has this draft for the boat at rest. But we have also there are tugboats and they need some room to maneuver. ” While waiting for the water, the ship was not anchored, but continued sailing. Therefore, other ships were ordered to keep a distance of at least 50 meters from Beijing.

Viermaster is over 100 years old

the “Beijing” was built in 1911 by Blohm + Voss. She is one of the legendary Flying P-Liners of the F. Laeisz shipping company, who were famous for their speed and safety. Almost three years ago the ship was brought from New York to Germany, where it was extensively restored at the Peters shipyard in Wewelsfleth. The four master was previously ill on the dock at the South Street Seaport Museum.

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 current | 07.09.2020 | 14:00

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