Corona children’s voucher: how many families receive as of Monday – national policy


Families can look forward to it! Corona’s child bond will flow from Monday, a small recognition for charges during closing.

Parents of almost 18 million children in Germany receive an additional 300 euros. The child bonus is part of the economic stimulus package that the SPD and the Union adopted in June. It is one of the many measures to cushion the economic recession caused by the pandemic.

Who benefits from the bonus

On September 7, the family funds will begin to be paid. Initially 200 euros will be transferred in September and another 100 euros in October.

▶ ︎ The bonus does not have to be requested and is not transferred with the child benefit, but is made in a single payment. The requirement: a child must have received child benefit for at least one month in 2020.

Even if a child is born in December, for example, the parents benefit from the bonus. It is also paid if, for example, there is no longer a right to child benefit in September, for example, because the child finished her education in July.

What do parents plan with money?

61 percent of parents want to spend all or part of the money, 39 percent of respondents want to save the bonus. Above all, parents in the highest income group still don’t know what to do with the voucher (45 percent).

▶ ︎ Can wealthy families keep the money? No. The following applies: the higher the income, the less is left of the bonus. Because here, as with the child benefit, it is offset by the child tax allowance.

Eight out of ten eligible families should benefit. B. a couple with three children with an annual income of up to about 67,800 euros.

  • With higher incomes there is less, from 106,000 euros nothing more.
  • The bonus is not offset by Hartz IV or up-front maintenance payments, payments continue normally.
  • Anyone who receives the child allowance from a single parent also receives the bonus. But if the other parent pays child support, you can deduct half of the bonus! The Association of Mothers and Single Parents criticizes this: “The child allowance is necessary where the child has the center of her life.”

What are critics saying about the Corona child bond?

“The child allowance is not very targeted and also benefits families that are not financially dependent on it,” says Katharina Spieß, family expert from the German Institute for Economic Research. For others, the bonus is not enough. The sum of one billion for the bonus is only used once.

The Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) calculated on the basis of a survey that an average of around 128 euros per recipient will flow towards consumption. Therefore, experts conclude that the bonus could support the economic recovery. The Hans Böckler Foundation is not so optimistic: in their opinion, a higher child allowance and more short-term employment benefits would have had more effects.
