USA: Melania Trump defends Donald Trump in dispute over alleged insults to soldiers


First lady Melania Trump has defended the president against accusations that he made disparaging remarks about American soldiers who died in World War I. The allegations “are not true,” Melanie Trump said on Twitter Friday. “These are very dangerous times in which anonymous sources are believed more than anything and nobody knows their motivation.” And in the direction of The Atlantic magazine, which reported: “This is not journalism, this is activism.”

This is also “a disservice to the people of our great nation,” the 50-year-old continued. Trump’s third wife rarely speaks in public, least of all on political issues. The American elections will take place on November 3, in which the American president depends mainly on her Republican base.

Just a “false story”?

The magazine “The Atlantic” had previously reported that Trump had called the American soldiers who fell in World War I two years ago on a trip to France as “losers” and “idiots.” At the time Trump spontaneously declined a planned visit to the Aisne-Marne US military cemetery near Paris, according to “The Atlantic.” The President of the United States told his staff, “Why should you visit this cemetery? It is full of losers.”

The article written by “Atlantic” editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg states that Trump rejected the planned visit primarily because he feared his hairstyle might “mess up” in the rain. The U.S. delegation had officially stated at the time that Trump was unable to visit the cemetery because his helicopter was not ready for take off due to the weather.

The president denies the accusations. On Friday, Trump, who wants to be re-elected for a second term in November, said it was a “false story.” For him, fallen soldiers are “absolute heroes”.

Trump’s relationship with the country’s military is complicated. The president emphasizes time and again that he has strengthened the military and provided them with more money. However, in recent years there have been repeated differences of opinion with military leaders and open discussions with respected former generals.

Icon: The mirror
