Solingen: autopsy result here! Mother has drugged and suffocated 5 children – Inland News


“Send the police to the apartment, the children are dead.”

Christiane K. (27) wrote this to her mother on Thursday in a text message from Solingen.

Christiane K. is a mother and, according to the results of the autopsy, she has anesthetized and suffocated five of her children!

The bodies of Luca († 8), Timo († 6), Sophie († 3), Leonie († 2) and Melina († 1) were discovered in the family’s apartment on Thursday afternoon.

They lay lifeless in their beds. “The breakfast bowls were still on the table,” said Marcel Maierhofer, head of the homicide squad.

Heribert Kaune-Gebhardt, from the Wuppertal Public Prosecutor’s Office, said: “All five children have signs of suffocation and signs of sedation.” A toxicology report should clarify what substances Christiane K. administered to her children.

The time of the offense: between the afternoon of September 2 and 11 a.m. on September 3.

The mother was taken to hospital seriously injured after attempting to commit suicide. She had thrown herself in front of a train. Since then, the woman has received an arrest warrant for murder in five cases.

“He probably committed the act in a state of emotional overload,” said Marcel Maierhofer of the homicide squad. Christiane K. is said to have lived apart from the father (28) of four of the children for a few months. Time and time again there were problems and police operations.

Marcel Maierhofer, Leiter der Mordkommission.Photo: Roberto Pfeil / dpa

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Marcel Maierhofer, head of the homicide squadPhoto: Roberto Pfeil / dpa

Christiane K. is said to have pulled the eldest son, Marcel (11) from school on Thursday on a pretext. Then she took the boy to Düsseldorf, from there she sent her to the grandmother in Mönchengladbach on her own. The other five children were already dead at that time.

Marcel survived. So far he has only described what happened to his teammates. Investigators have not yet been able to question the boy. He is currently with his grandmother, who also alerted the police.

Christiane K. confessed to the crime to her mother via text message. “Send the police to the apartment, the children are dead,” he wrote. Marcel was sitting on the train on the way to his grandmother’s house.

Christiane K. was still 20 minutes on the platform in Düsseldorf. Then she threw herself in front of an oncoming train. According to the police, she suffered “internal but not fatal injuries”.

As the researchers announced Friday, the woman’s six children came from three different relationships. Consequently, Timo, Sophie, Leonie, and Melina had the same father. Son Luca, who was also killed by Christiane K., came from another relationship. And Marcel, whom Christiane K. gave birth to shortly after her 16th birthday, is the son of an even earlier relationship.

The youth welfare office wanted to help the family

The family of the five murdered children was already known to the city’s youth welfare office before the crime. “The family received the necessary support from the city of Solingen. The youth welfare office has also presented possible offers of help, ”the City Council announced on Friday, without giving details. “At no time were there any findings of abnormalities or a potential risk to the children.”

The city administration wrote that no further information could be provided on the personal rights of the affected family members.

Depressant? You can get immediate help here:

As a general rule, BILD does not report suicides, so as not to encourage imitation, unless the suicides receive special attention due to the circumstances. If you yourself are depressed or have suicidal thoughts, contact the telephone counseling service. You can get help from counselors by calling 0800-1110111 or 0800-1110222.
